27.08.2018, 20:02 3404

Astana to transfer KZT800B to government budget in 2018: mayor

KZT 800 billion is expected to be transferred in 2018 from Astana to the national budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
KZT 800 billion is expected to be transferred in 2018 from Astana to the national budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mayor of the city Asset Issekeshev has announced today.

In 2018, over KZT 800 billion will be transferred from the city of Astana to the government budget. This is five times higher than the transfers received from the government budget, i.e. KZT 155 billion," the mayor told a meeting at iKomek, the city center of monitoring and prompt response.

According to him, as of today, Astana has 6.6% of the country's total population. The city produces 10% of the GDP and accumulates 9.5% of all investment in Kazakhstan and 13% of the treasury revenues.

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