09.01.2019, 19:29 4605

Mayor: Average salary exceeds KZT230 thousand in Astana

The cityИs main investors are small-business representatives.
The average salary equaled KZT230 thousand in the city of Astana in 2018, the capital city’s Mayor Bakhyt Sultanov has states.

The average salary was fewer than KZT10 thousand 20 years ago, today it exceeds KZT230 thousand. The unemployment rate has dropped from 12.8% to 4.5% since 1998, which is the smallest figure in the country," said Astana Mayor Bakhyt Sultanov.

He has noted the capital city’s area has tripled over 20 years, the number of new housing has seen a 19-fold growth, and the population has increased by greater than four times.

2.4 million square meters of housing came into use in 2018, making up 20% of the total volume of the country. Also, more than 20 republican and city’s health facilities were constructed, including over 300 kindergartens and schools," said Sultanov.

The speaker also has underlined small- and medium-sized businesses form over half of the capital city’s economy – 58.5%, including more than 100 thousand small businesses.

Each third Astana citizen is an entrepreneur, thus over half of the tax revenues (53%) come from small- and medium-sized businesses," he said.

According to the Mayor, investments worth over KZT1 trillion total were attracted in 2018, with private businesses made up the major share (90%).

There are positive changes in this structure. Over half of the investments used to be funded by the state budget (approximately 53% in 2009), now the share of budgetary investments has reduced by ten times. Thus, today 90% of the city’s investments are formed by private businesses, turning a small-business holder into the city’s main investor," said Sultanov.

Source: BNews.kz

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