09.05.2019, 19:08 12189

Russia cancels air parade in Moscow on Victory Day over bad weather — source

Combat aircraft and helicopters will not take part in the Victory Day Parade in Moscow's Red Square due to unfavorable weather conditions.
Combat aircraft and helicopters will not take part in the Victory Day Parade in Moscow's Red Square due to unfavorable weather conditions, a source in the defense circles told TASS on Thursday.

Due to the unfavorable weather conditions in Moscow and the Moscow Region, a decision has been made to cancel aviation's participation in the Victory Parade in Red Square. The aircraft and helicopters assigned for participation in the Victory Parade in Red Square will return to their home bases," the source said.

As was reported earlier, the air parade was expected to involve Mi-26, Mi-28NM, Ka-52 and Mi-35 helicopters. Also, the upgraded Tu-95MSM strategic bombers, Tu-160 long-range missile-carrying bombers and Tu-22M3 aircraft were to have taken part in the Parade's air component. Russia's military transport aviation was expected to involve Il-76 planes and an Il-78 aerial refueling tanker.
Also, the aerobatic teams Russian Knights flying Su-30SM fighter jets and Swifts flying MiG-29 aircraft were due to have flown in a single formation over Red Square during the Parade.
 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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