18.09.2018, 20:30 3922

Kazakhstan has 4 million active users on social media

According to the Kazakh Social Development Minister, Darkhan Kaletayev, users of social media are an active part of a society.
There are about 4 million active users of social media in Kazakhstan, and this is a signal not only to the civil society but also to the authority. It was said by Kazakh Social Development Minister Darkhan Kaletayev at a regular session of the Nur Otan Trends discussion club.

Social media is an integral part of the present society. It is estimated that there are about 4 million active users of social media in Kazakhstan. They are active citizens who are interested in ... Despite the fact that only a few discuss or make commentaries. However, the fact that 4 million citizens of the country are active social media users is a signal either to the society or to the authority. And the authority should pay attention to it," said Darkhan Kaletayev.

According to the Minister, in the last years, Kazakhstan's civil society has significantly increased.

A civil society is regarded based on the two principles, the authority regards a civil society as something that protests, and many regard it as a field of non-governmental organizations. None of them is correct. In my opinion, the civil society has significantly increased in the last years. Any requirement and expectation of our citizens should not be seen through a protest, they should be seen as the emergence of our citizens' initiatives, the requirement of legal rights," he said.

According to Kaletayev, over the last years, the state has been actively establishing special platforms for dialogue between the authority and the society.

Over the last several years the state has been establishing many platforms for dialogue between the authority and the society, including public councils, discussion platforms, forums. In my opinion, 'Civil Forum of Kazakhstan' is one of such platforms that is taken place each year. This year we are to hold the forum on early December with the participation of the Kazakh head of state," said the Minister.

Source: BNews.kz

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