08.01.2025, 12:52 105931

Olzhas Bektenov: In accordance with tasks set by Head of State, economic bloc of Government together with expert group works out new approaches to budget, tax and tariff policy reform

At the Government session, Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov noted that within the framework of the tasks set by the Head of State, new approaches to the reform of fiscal and tariff policies will be presented in the near future, primeminister.kz reports.

In an interview to the newspaper "Ana tili" the President emphasised that the task of the Government is to ensure economic growth of the country and increase the welfare of citizens. We must ensure intensive economic growth. In this regard, under the leadership of Serik Makashevich, the economic bloc of the Government together with a group of experts is working out new approaches to the reform of fiscal and tariff policy, which will also affect the social security sphere. These approaches will be presented in the near future, after a detailed discussion with the expert community," Olzhas Bektenov emphasised.


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