10.05.2024, 09:13 48011

Kazakhstan and Indonesia Intend to Expand Cooperation in the Field of Investment

Kazakhstan and Indonesia Intend to Expand Cooperation in the Field of Investment
Images | Kazakh MFA
The second round of negotiations on the conclusion of an Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on the promotion and mutual protection of investments took place, press service of the Kazakh MFA reports.

The negotiations were attended by representatives of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Justice, Trade and Integration, as well as the Judicial Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan and JSC NC Kazakh Invest from the Kazakh side. Representatives of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Investments and the Financial Services Authority attended the talks from Indonesia.

As a result of the event, the parties managed to reach a conceptual agreement on all key issues of the text of the draft of the above-mentioned Agreement. The next round is scheduled to be held in June 2024 via videoconference.

The parties expressed confidence that the signing of this Agreement in the near future will contribute to the growth of mutual investments and trade and economic ties between Kazakhstan and Indonesia.

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