13.06.2024, 09:48 72461

4 killed, 3 injured in road accident in Almaty region

A fatal road accident occurred on the 105th kilometer of the Almaty-Shelek-Khorgos highway on June 12, when a driver of Toyota Hiace lost control of his car and the vehicle overturned, Kazinform News Agency reports.

Four passengers of the car died from injuries at the scene, the Almaty police confirmed.

The driver and two more passengers were rushed to a hospital in Shelek village. The 34-year-old man and children aged 10 and 12 were taken to the emergency care unit of the same hospital.

The patients were taken to the surgery unit of the hospital. They were examined and consulted by doctors. They are undergoing treatment now," local health authorities said.

A criminal case has been launched.

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