16.06.2023, 13:18 38961

Alikhan Smailov introduces new Akim of East Kazakhstan region

Alikhan Smailov introduces new Akim of East Kazakhstan region
Images | primeminister.kz
On Friday, June 16, Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov arrived in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk to participate in a meeting of deputies of maslikhats of all levels of the East Kazakhstan region, primeminister.kz reports.

Alikhan Smailov read out to the deputies a letter from the Head of State on the submission for consideration of two candidates for the post of akim of the region Yermek Kosherbayev and Darkhan Sapanov. It was marked that each of them has sufficient work experience and managerial abilities to occupy this responsible post.


According to the results of voting 117 deputies supported the candidacy of Kosherbayev, 36 supported Sapanov. In total 153 deputies took part in the voting.

Head of the Government expressed his confidence that the selected candidate will bring all his knowledge and experience for the development of the East Kazakhstan region.

There is a lot of work to be done, but I am confident that the new akim will cope with all challenges," Alikhan Smailov said.

Presenting the new akim to the region's Akim, Alikhan Smailov noted that the region has achieved good indicators of development over the last 5 years. So, the volume of gross regional product grew by 1.7 times, GRP per capita by 3.3 times.

The region has successfully implemented projects on development of the agro-industrial complex, drinking water supply and tourism development. Dozens of social facilities have been built such as schools, sports complexes, hospitals, including centers for mother and child, hematology, table tennis and many others," the Head of Government stressed.

However, he stressed the importance of further work to improve the welfare and quality of life of citizens, modernize infrastructure, develop the regional economy.

For example, under new national projects in the region 10 modern schools will be built for 4.2 thousand places, 36 primary health care facilities will be constructed, and one district hospital will be modernized. In parallel, measures will be implemented to strengthen the agrarian sector, rural infrastructure and entrepreneurship, as well as to improve living standards in border areas within the framework of the Rural Development Concept.

He also drew attention to the need for progressive development of the regional economy. As of today mining and smelting industry, agriculture, tourism and power industry show high dynamics in the region. In total, 28 investment projects are under development. Herewith the Prime Minister stressed the importance of further diversification of the economy of East Kazakhstan region and creation of new jobs.

For this purpose it is necessary to create the appropriate conditions for investors and to give priority to implementation of industrial projects which will give an impetus to development of the entire region," Alikhan Smailov noted.

In addition, among the key tasks of the akimat are the uninterrupted supply of drinking water and electricity to residents, the modernization of social infrastructure facilities, as well as improving the quality of local roads.

Separately, Prime Minister touched on the theme of solving problems with heating.

Last winter 81 cases of emergency shutdowns of boiler units were registered at Ridder thermal power plant. Residents of the city since the beginning of the cold weather have regularly experienced interruptions with the heat supply. These problems need to be solved before the new heating season. In this regard, the Akimat of the region has the task to ensure the overhaul of the Ridder CHP and the stable passage of the coming winter in general," Alikhan Smailov said.

According to him, the environmental situation in the region also causes serious concern. In particular, Ust-Kamenogorsk today is one of the most ecologically polluted cities in the country. Therefore, it is necessary to modernize industrial facilities to reduce harmful emissions and to increase investments in environmental protection measures.

Due to the recent tragic events in the Abay region, it is necessary to pay special attention to ensuring fire safety. There are about 3 million hectares of state forest fund in East Kazakhstan region, so this issue is of great importance," the Head of Government stressed.


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