22.05.2024, 09:39 86101

UNT 2024: more than 7 thousand applicants passed testing over 4 days

UNT 2024: more than 7 thousand applicants passed testing over 4 days
Images | instagram/bilim_jane_gylym
The Unified National Testing has started in the country. How is the main exam for graduates held this year, including in the regions affected by floods? This issue was considered at the Government session chaired by Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov, primeminister.kz reports.

As reported by the Minister of Science and Higher Education Sayasat Nurbek, the main UNT is held in 43 regional testing centres for 47 days. Involved 5.2 thousand computers in one stream. From 16 May in 14 regions began holding UNT, which will continue until 5 July.

In 6 regions, where the emergency was declared Akmola, Aktobe, Atyrau, Kostanay regions, West Kazakhstan region, North Kazakhstan region will be held from 25 May to 12 July, while the reception of applications for these regions is also extended until 20 May.

According to the results of 4 days in 29 points more than 7 thousand applicants were tested. The number of school leavers in 2024 is 188 245 people. The number of submitted applications is 330,116 taking into account two attempts, of which 293,186 are current year school leavers, including 59,799 applications from graduates from 6 regions affected by floods.

Test takers apply online at the website of the National Testing Centre app.testcenter.kz and choose the date, time and testing point themselves. To control compliance with the rules of the UNT and academic integrity, a corresponding order has been approved.

In order to support school leavers from 6 regions affected by floods, measures are being taken to allocate grants in the form of a quota of 20 per cent (or 12,528 grants) of the total volume of the state educational order, which will ensure their full coverage and allow them to participate in the competition in all areas of training.

Free online lessons for school leavers have been organised jointly with the country's educational centres. During the period of preparation for the UNT, more than 200 lessons were held in all its subjects.

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