13.10.2022, 10:48 11846

CICA to further expand horizons of cooperation between member states, Kazakh President

Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev greeted the participants of the VI CICA Summit in Astana.
CICA to further expand horizons of cooperation between member states, Kazakh President
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Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev greeted the participants of the VI CICA Summit in Astana, Kazinform reports.
The Head of State expressed gratitude to all for accepting an invitation to visit Kazakhstan and attend this high-level event.
Addressing those present Kassym-Jomart Tokayev stressed that despite ongoing geopolitical challenges the CICA continues to develop dynamically and expand the horizons of cooperation between the participants.

Kazakhstan’s CICA Chairmanship intends to further promote dialogue and cooperation aimed at mutual trust and security in Asia. I would like to express profound gratitude to the member nations for their continuous support and invaluable contribution to the CICA processes," the Head of State said.

As earlier reported, the VI Summit of the Conference on Confidence-Building Measures in Asia started its work in Astana.

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