13.10.2022, 09:28 2221

CIS Council of Foreign Ministers holds meeting in Astana

Deputy Prime Minister-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Mukhtar Tleuberdi chaired a regular meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) in Astana.
CIS Council of Foreign Ministers holds meeting in Astana
Deputy Prime Minister-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Mukhtar Tleuberdi chaired a regular meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) in Astana, Kazinform reports.
Those attending the meeting were the ministers of foreign affairs of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, the press service of the Kazakh MFA says.
The participants discussed the issues of deepening cooperation among the foreign offices of the CIS states as well as the topical aspects of the regional and international agenda. A number of decisions was taken after the meeting, aimed at deepening the interaction on the CIS platform.
The CIS ministers approved the draft documents to be submitted to the consideration of the heads of state at the CIS Summit slated for October 14 in Astana.

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