12.10.2022, 18:02 9776

Kazakhstan-Türkiye Strategic Cooperation Council’s meeting kicks off in Kazakh capital

The Kazakh Head of State announced issues included in the agenda upon prior agreement.
The 4th meeting of the Kazakhstan-Turkiye High-Level Strategic Cooperation Council with the participation of Kazakh and Turkish leaders Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is taking place at the Akorda Presidential Palace in Astana, Kazinform correspondent reports.

We’re always open to everyone arrived from Turkiye to our hospitable Kazakh land, ancestors’ land. Today, we’re welcoming the delegation led by my respected brother President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. I announce the 4th meeting of the Kazakhstan-Turkiye High-Level Strategic Cooperation Council open," said Tokayev.

The Kazakh Head of State announced issues included in the agenda upon prior agreement.

First, interaction in the sphere of foreign policy and investment. Second, trade and economic cooperation, Third, integration in transport and logistics and military production. Fourth, agricultural cooperation," said the Kazakh President.


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