15.06.2023, 19:38 38331

New 1st Vice Minister of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry named

Kanysh Tuleushin was appointed as the First Vice Minister of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazinform has learned from the press service of the Kazakh Government.

Born in 1983 in Karaganda region, he is a graduate of Kazakhstani, British and American universities.

Throughout his career, Tuleushin worked for the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

He was the Vice Minister of Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan between 2011 and 2013. He then worked as the Managing Director of ‘Baiterek’ National Managing Holding and Chairman of the Management Board of ‘Damu’ Development Fund in 2013-2017.

Afterwards he served as a managing partner in Whiteshield Partners and Alawwal Partners companies.

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