12.10.2022, 20:06 10576

Senate Speaker meets Vice President of Vietnam

Senate Speaker meets Vice President of Vietnam
Images | senate.parlam.kz
Chairman of the Senate of the Kazakh Parliament Maulen Ashimbayev met with Vice President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Vo Thi Anh Xuan, Kazinform reports citing the press service of the Senate.
Welcoming the Vice President of Vietnam, the Speaker of the Senate thanked her for the participation of the Vietnamese delegation in the VI Summit of the Conference on Confidence-Building Measures in Asia being held these days in Astana. Maulen Ashimbayev thanked also the high guest for the support of the VII Congress of the World and Traditional Religions’ Leaders attended by the representatives of the Board of Vietnam Buddhist Sangha.
The Senate Speaker noted high dynamics of development of the Kazakh-Vietnamese relations for 30 years since the establishment of the diplomatic ties.
Maulen Ashimbayev appreciated the high level of cooperation between Kazakhstan and Vietnam. "The global community is gradually stepping out of the pandemic and the dynamics of business contacts is rising. In this regard, we could actively work on deepening the inter-parliamentary cooperation in the upcoming period," the Speaker noted.
Maulen Ashimbayev informed the Vietnamese Vice President of the large-scale political reforms launched in Kazakhstan at the initiative of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and aimed at modernization of the political, economic and social spheres of the country. The Speaker drew the meeting participants’ attention to the major political event of the year in Kazakhstan – the presidential elections set for November 20.
In turn, Vo Thi Anh Xuan emphasized the importance of strengthening the international cooperation of the two countries and further enhancement of the trade-economic, cultural-humanitarian ties and tourism.

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