15.06.2023, 15:42 35531

Tokayev meets with Astana Mayor Zhenis Kassymbek

Tokayev meets with Astana Mayor Zhenis Kassymbek
Images | Akorda
President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev received Mayor of Astana Zhenis Kassymbek, Kazinform cites the Akorda press service.

The Kazakh Head of State was informed about the social and economic and infrastructure development of the Kazakh capital.

According to the city’s administration, the volume of investments attracted to the capital exceeded KZT425bn, a 20% year-on-year growth, in five months of this year. In 2023, it is planned to commission 25 investment projects, attracting KZT87bn and creating 1.8 thousand working places.

The President was briefed about the development of residential areas, demolition of dilapidated housing, construction of social facilities, completion of long-term construction, promotion of SMEs, creation of jobs, as well as improvement of the city.

According to Kassymbek, there are plans to construct around six thousand social affordable apartments, as well as complete construction of 16 equity construction objects. In addition, construction of a bridge on Tauyelsizdik Avenue is to set to be completed as well as 400 new buses are to run in 2023.

The Head of State was also informed about the construction of a potable water station, combined heat and power plant, gas heating stations.

Upon the Head of State’s instruction, the systemic work is ongoing to landscape and improve the city. Over 150 backyards and public spaces are to be beautified this year.

In conclusion, the President gave a number of instructions to further develop the social and engineering infrastructure, beautify and landscape the city, as well as prepare for the heating season.

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