13.10.2022, 10:14 2276

VI CICA Summit kicks off in Kazakh capital

11 Heads of State, the Emir of Qatar, the Vice President of Vietnam, the Deputy President of China, and five ministers are attending the Summit.
The VI Summit of the Conference on Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) started its work in Astana, Kazinform reports.
The VI CICA Summit chaired by the Head of State, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, is dated to the 30 th anniversary of the initiative on convocation of the CICA.
11 Heads of State, the Emir of Qatar, the Vice President of Vietnam, the Deputy President of China, and five ministers are attending the Summit. The President of Belarus, a state observer state, also arrived in Kazakhstan.
The CICA was initiated by Kazakhstan in 1992 at the UN GA.
The main goal is to strengthen cooperation through development of multilateral approaches to ensuring peace and security in Asia. The CICA consists of 27 member states and covers 90% of the territory Asian continent.

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