02.02.2022, 15:31 48481

Average monthly salary in Kazakhstan announced

Average monthly salary in Kazakhstan announced
The latest data on the average monthly nominal salary in Kazakhstan was reported by the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazpravda.kz reports.
It is noted that in the IV quarter of 2021, the average monthly nominal wage of one employee in Kazakhstan amounted to 275,580 tenge.
The index of nominal wages against the corresponding quarter of 2020 amounted to 118.2%, real - 108.7%.
In the sectoral structure, the highest nominal wages were recorded in the mining industry and quarrying - 546.4 thousand tenge (2 times higher than the national average), in financial and insurance activities - 520.7 thousand tenge (1.9 times) , in the field of professional, scientific and technical activities - 442 thousand tenge (1.6 times), in the field of information and communications - 370.1 thousand tenge (1.3 times, respectively).
Low levels of average monthly nominal wages were noted in the sectors of agriculture, forestry and fisheries - 167.3 thousand tenge and water supply.
In the regional context, the highest average monthly nominal wage was noted in the Atyrau region - 420.4 thousand tenge, which is 1.5 times higher than the national average. In the North Kazakhstan region, its value amounted to 203 thousand tenge, which is 26.3% lower than the national average.
 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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