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Agricultural machinery production is forecast to grow to 300 billion tenge in 2025

Agricultural machinery production is forecast to grow to 300 billion tenge in 2025
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9 out of 10 purchased tractors and combines are assembled in Kazakhstan. This was reported at the Government session by the President of the Union of Industrial Investors Kairat Yelamanov, primeminister.kz reports.

According to him, the annual output of agricultural machinery is 263 billion tenge, forecasted to grow to 300 billion tenge in 2025.

The agricultural machinery industry produces tractors and combine harvesters at 8 enterprises, which already fully meet the annual demand of farmers for this equipment. More than 20 more enterprises are engaged in production of trailed and mounted agricultural machinery and equipment. Import dependence in this area is annually decreasing. As of today, welding, cutting, cutting, bending and painting operations are performed for each model of tractors, combines, as well as for mounted and trailed agricultural machinery. Welding and colouring of tractor cabs, as well as manufacturing of plastic parts for body elements of energy-intensive tractors have been mastered ahead of schedule. Next year, the manufacturers plan to master the production of grain hoppers, inclined chambers, choppers and combine harvester cabs.

The country's largest agricultural machinery localisation centre in Kostanai annually produces 25,000 units, assemblies, components and spare parts for agricultural machinery and automotive industry.

The decision to subsidise farmers when purchasing domestic agricultural machinery this year is already achieving an effect: the interest of foreign manufacturers in localisation will have a positive impact on the growth of production and increase the range of agricultural machinery. Now we are conducting substantive negotiations with foreign manufacturers on localisation of previously imported equipment at the existing sites. This will increase both production volume and jobs in 2025. It is planned to localise AMAZONE sowing machinery, ZOOMLION tractors, SAMPO combines.

Next year, it is planned to allocate 200 billion tenge for preferential leasing of agricultural machinery for farmers at 4-5%. If even half of the funds were allocated in Kazagrofinance JSC from January, before the beginning of sowing works, and the second half in June, before the beginning of harvesting works, then two industries in the country - agro-industrial complex and agricultural machinery - would be guaranteed to work for the development of the country's economy," Kairat Yelamanov said.

The issue of tractor exports remains important, he said. However, the problem is the non-integrated systems of electronic passports of self-propelled machines between Kazakhstan and Russia. Data exchange is already taking place with Belarus.

Another, no less promising area of industry is the production of household appliances. The main enterprises of the new industry are located in the cities of Saran and Almaty. This year about 200 thousand units of household appliances have been produced at the capacities of three enterprises. It is planned to increase the volumes by the end of the year.

This year's amendments to the Tax Code on VAT allowed us to establish a clear procedure for the sale of products along the entire chain from the manufacturer to the end customer. We managed not only to attract the world's leading companies for production, but also to reduce the price for buyers of equipment. At the moment we have already mastered operations on moulding of plastic parts of TV sets and water heaters, billetting, welding, enamelling and painting of parts of ovens, washing machines, cookers and hoods, as well as manufacturing of packaging," Kairat Yelamanov said.

In the coming years, it is planned to master the production of printed circuit board and stamping of metal products.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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