31.07.2024, 17:14 45376

China ranks among Top 5 investors in Kazakhstan

The Applied Economics Research Center announced that over the past five years China joined the ranks of the largest foreign investors in Kazakhstan’s economy. The inflow of China’s investments nearly reached the level of Russia’s investments, Kazinform News Agency reports.

The report claims that foreign direct investments from China soared in 2017-2023 to make it rank fifth in the Top 5 partners of Kazakhstan. The Netherlands invariably tops the ranking of investment partners with 47.3 billion US dollars followed by the U.S., Switzerland and Russia.

The analysts said bolstering of Kazakhstan-China relations seems an inevitable process that has obvious benefits as diversification of the country’s ties with the wider world. Nevertheless, bolstering of cooperation deserves consideration since it raises the interconnectedness of economies given the size of the economies of China and Kazakhstan.

The experts noted that the trading relations of the two nations will never be ‘equal’ and economic crises of Kazakhstan will not impact China as much as China's crises influence Kazakhstan.

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