14.01.2025, 12:31 173311

E-commerce market volume in Kazakhstan reaches 3.2 trillion tenge

E-commerce market volume in Kazakhstan reaches 3.2 trillion tenge
Images | primeminister.kz
At the Government session under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov the issue of e-commerce development was considered. Minister of Trade and Integration Arman Shakkaliyev made a report. Hear representatives of the industry: Chairman of the Board of Kazpost Assel Zhanasova, Chairman of Halyk Bank Umut Shayakhmetova, Chairman of the Board of the Association of Digital Kazakhstan Denis Stepantsev, primeminister.kz reports.

In 2024, the volume of the e-commerce market in Kazakhstan totalled 3.2 trillion tenge, and its share of total retail trade reached 14.5%.

The importance of e-commerce as a driver of economic growth was noted. The industry has allowed to create more than 300 thousand jobs, and labour productivity growth was more than 30% in relation to traditional shop and market sales.

Taking into account the development of the e-commerce market, the head of the Government Olzhas Bektenov emphasised the need to reduce risks both for consumers in acquiring low-quality goods and for producers who face unfair competition.

A significant share of our market is occupied by foreign online marketplaces. We can use them effectively to increase exports of domestic goods. On the other hand, there are issues with the protection of consumer rights, intellectual property and personal data of our citizens. The level of quality of goods on marketplaces also raises questions. Not only foreign marketplaces, but also domestic marketplaces do not guarantee quality. Information about the authenticity of goods is often missing," Olzhas Bektenov said. In this regard, the Ministry of Trade and Integration has been given a number of instructions.

The Prime Minister has set a task to develop measures for digitalisation of all trade activities in Kazakhstan, including markets and local small shops.

Together with the Ministries of Justice and Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry, it is necessary to develop specific measures to improve the level of consumer protection in e-commerce. Olzhas Bektenov instructed to make appropriate proposals by the end of February.

At the same time instructed to develop additional measures of state support for the development of e-commerce together with interested government agencies and the Digital Kazakhstan Association. Taking into account the previously adopted Plan for the development of electronic commerce until 2027, the proposals of the domestic business community and the experience of working with marketplaces, it is necessary to update the provisions of the document by the end of March this year.

The task to form effective supply chains of goods both within the country and at the international level in conjunction with interested government agencies and the business community by the end of March has been set.

Head of the Government also instructed to increase the existing capacity of Kazpost. The ministries of digital development, innovation and aerospace industry, trade are tasked with the development plan of the national postal operator.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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