04.08.2009, 13:56 2917

There will be shortage of oil since 2010

There will be shortage of oil since 2010 in the world. Chief economist of the International Energy Agency (IEA), Fatih Birol, considers, the agency reports citing RIA RosBusinessConsulting (RBC).

Almaty. August 4. Kazakhstan Today - There will be shortage of oil since 2010 in the world. Chief economist of the International Energy Agency (IEA), Fatih Birol, considers, the agency reports citing RIA RosBusinessConsulting (RBC).

The largest oil deposits have been running out at record-breaking rates and the deposits of minerals have exhausted its industrial maximum, F. Birol considers.

According to the television channel Vesti, IEA conclusions are based on the first complex research of the condition of more than 800 oil deposits in various parts of the world. They represent about 75 % of total world's reserves of oil.

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