23.10.2024, 16:15 13176

How harvest campaign been in regions of Kazakhstan

How harvest campaign been in regions of Kazakhstan
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Akims of Akmola, North-Kazakhstan, Kostanay and Zhambyl regions reported on the results of the harvesting campaign at the Government session, primeminister.kz reports.

According to Marat Akhmetzhanov, in Akmola region harvesting of all types of crops is completed, except for oilseeds. A record harvest of 6.6 million tonnes of grain has been gathered on an area of 4.7 million hectares. The average yield is more than 14 c/ha of good quality grain. Over 60% of the gross harvest corresponds to the 3rd class. Also, taking into account the current harvest, the region has closed the need for seeds in full.

Firstly, these results were achieved due to a two-fold increase in the application of mineral fertilisers and the share of crops planted with elite seeds. Secondly, due to substantial state support. About 138 billion tenge was allocated to the agrarians of the region, of which 46.5 billion - subsidies," Marat Akhmetzhanov reported.

Ken Dala’ and "Ken Dala 2" programmes of preferential lending served as a good tool for spring field and harvesting works: 600 agrarians were financed for 60 billion tenge. Under the preferential leasing programme, 334 units of agricultural machinery were purchased for 19 billion tenge. Due to the increase of sowing areas of fodder crops, the necessary stock of hay has been prepared. Also in sufficient volume the work on preparation of coarse and succulent fodder has been completed.

Grain and leguminous crops were harvested in full on the area of 3.3 million hectares in North Kazakhstan region. Gross harvest was about 6.2 million tonnes, with an average regional yield of 18.6 centners per hectare. Oilseeds made up 674.2 thousand hectares. Harvested 428.7 thousand hectares. Gross harvest is 494.3 thousand tonnes with an average yield of 11.5 centners per hectare. Potatoes and vegetables are 100% harvested.

For the harvest of 2025, 469.5 thousand tonnes of seeds have been poured, or 100% of the need. 256.6 thousand tonnes of mineral fertilisers have been applied on the area of 3.2 million hectares. The work on ploughing of grain has been carried out on 3 million hectares. Organised and private subsidiary farms are fully supplied with juicy and coarse fodder. 414.5 thousand tonnes of haylage, 509.1 thousand tonnes of silage, 1, 2 million tonnes of hay, 872.6 thousand tonnes of straw have been harvested.

Bread receiving enterprises have accepted 1.6 million tonnes of grain of the new harvest, including 1.2 million tonnes of wheat, of which class 3 - 41%. The region has grain storage facilities for 6.9 million tonnes, 332 grain dryers with a total capacity of 10.6 thousand tonnes/hour, per shift - 85 thousand tonnes, per day - 255 thousand tonnes. They work round the clock," Akim of North Kazakhstan region Gauez Nurmukhambetov reported.

Taking into account the weather conditions, 20 thousand tonnes of discounted diesel fuel at 250 tenge per litre and 4.8 thousand tonnes of liquefied gas have been allocated for grain drying. The work on fulfilment of obligations to JSC ‘NC Prodkorporatsiya’ is under constant control. Under the programme of forward purchase of agricultural products financial institution in the current year allocated 18.8 billion tenge. The return is 2.2 billion tenge. Work in this direction continues. Agrarians since the beginning of the year purchased 2,062 units of equipment for 52.4 billion tenge.

In Kostanay region, 5.9 million tonnes of grain have been harvested, with an average yield of 14 centners per hectare. Harvesting of oilseed crops continues. Of 691.4 thousand hectares harvested 452 thousand hectares, or 65.4%. 299.8 thousand tonnes of oilseeds have been threshed, the average yield in the region is 6.6 c/ha.

Agricultural formations have started to repay obligations on forward purchase of the current year. 58 thousand tonnes of production from 165.3 thousand tonnes have been delivered. On prolonged obligations of last year returned 880 million tenge from the necessary 2.9 billion tenge. Repayment of obligations will be ensured in time," Akim Kumar Aksakalov assured.

Elevators received 1.3 million tonnes of products. 61% is recognised as class 3. The total storage capacity of agricultural products, taking into account storage facilities in farms, is 8.3 million tonnes.

Meanwhile, preparations are already underway for the next season. 514 thousand tonnes of seeds have been prepared. 818.8 thousand hectares of fallow fields have been prepared, with three or four times treatment by mechanical and chemical methods. Autumn zyablivka tillage was carried out on the area of 871.2 thousand hectares. The works continue. Allocated to Kostanay region volumes of diesel fuel meet the needs of agricultural producers.

46.1 billion tenge has been allocated to support agriculture in Zhambyl region. More than 11 thousand agricultural producers were paid 19.7 billion tenge of subsidies. Through financial institutions, 1,045 agro-formations received loans totalling 15.2 billion tenge.

In the first nine months of 2024, the agricultural sector produced 348 billion tenge worth of goods. In order to carry out autumn field and harvesting works in a timely manner, 10,000 units of agricultural machinery were used. 421 tractors, 10 combines were purchased, the renewal rate was 7.4%.

Out of 11.4 thousand tonnes of discounted fuel and lubricants allocated for the region, 8.4 thousand tonnes have been supplied, 7.4 thousand tonnes have been distributed to farmers. The works are carried out according to the schedule. Also, special attention is paid to the use of mineral fertilisers, which has a positive impact on productivity growth. In 2024, it is planned to apply 83.1 thousand tonnes of fertilisers on an area of 415.4 thousand hectares. More than 1 thousand farmers have applied 74.2 thousand tonnes of fertilisers on 370 thousand hectares. As part of the execution of the plan, the introduction of fertilisers will continue during the autumn field work.

This year crops have been placed on the area of 626.7 thousand hectares. During the reporting period of the harvesting campaign completely harvested ear crops on the area of 352.9 thousand hectares and harvested 586.4 thousand tonnes. Due to favourable weather conditions and timely implementation of agro-technical measures, the average yield of ear crops increased from 10 centners/ha to 16.6 centners/ha compared to last year. In addition, harvesting of potatoes, oilseeds, vegetables, melons and sugar beet is carried out in accordance with the terms. This year it is planned to receive more than 3.6 million tonnes of products," Akim of Zhambyl region said.

One of the problems of concern for farmers in the region is the realisation of sugar beet. This year, from 11.2 thousand hectares of sugar beet acreage, more than 600 thousand tonnes of products are expected to be received. 450 thousand tonnes will be accepted by Merken sugar factory. Acceptance began on September 10, 166.1 thousand tonnes were accepted.

Merken sugar factory is provided with appropriate support measures by the Government. To replenish the working capital of the plant ‘Agrarian Credit Corporation’ gives soft loans under the programme ‘Ken dala-2’. The remaining 100-150 thousand tonnes of production will be processed at Aksu sugar factory. To date, about 14.6 thousand tonnes of products have been delivered. Expenses for transporting products to Aksu sugar factory will be compensated by increasing the standard of subsidies from 25 to 45 tenge," Yerbol Karashukeyev noted.

At the expense of the local budget subsidised 6.8 thousand tonnes of products sold to Merken sugar factory. Work is underway to allocate 16 billion tenge from the national budget to subsidise about 600 thousand tonnes of products. There is support from the Ministries of Agriculture and Finance.

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