20.01.2025, 10:34 82011

Ministry of Agriculture: Potato stocks sufficient to fully cover domestic demand

Ministry of Agriculture: Potato stocks sufficient to fully cover domestic demand
On the instructions of the Prime Minister, the Ministries of Agriculture, Trade and Integration are constantly monitoring the situation on the potato market of the country, primeminister.kz reports.

Due to increased demand from neighbouring countries, especially Uzbekistan, and high export prices, this year potato exports increased 1.5 times, from 411,000 tonnes to 605,000 tonnes. It is noted that the rush demand had an impact on the domestic market. Thus, for the last week recorded a sharp increase in the price of export-oriented producers (from 170 to 270 tenge).

In this regard, in order to stabilise potato prices in the domestic market at a meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission on trade activities held on 18 January 2025, it was decided to restrict the export of potatoes to third countries for a period of 6 months. This measure does not apply to the EAEU countries, but exports in this direction will be monitored. At the same time, taking into account the current situation, on 16 January this year the issuance of phytosanitary certificates for export was completely suspended.

The measures taken are aimed at ensuring stability of potato prices, preventing unreasonable price growth and banning speculative actions on the part of market participants.

In addition, the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Trade and Integration together with the territorial departments of the antimonopoly authority are intensively monitoring the situation and in case of violation of the current legislation on trade activities, they will take immediate measures to influence the market participants.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, today available stocks are sufficient to fully cover domestic demand until the early harvest of 2025. Stocks, as of January 19, are more than 850 thousand tonnes, excluding stocks in retail chains (600 thousand tonnes in the Association of Potato Growers, 68 thousand tonnes in stab funds, more than 200 thousand tonnes in cellars in households and small farms).

For reference: Gross potato harvest in 2024 is 2.9 million tonnes (including early harvest - 300 thousand tonnes). Imports for 2024 amounted to 56 thousand tonnes. The volume of potatoes for distribution to the market from August 2024 is 2.6 million tonnes with the demand of the total population at 1.5 million tonnes (including urban 954 thousand tonnes) until the early harvest (January-April). From August to December 2024 consumed - 844 thousand tonnes, exported - 620 thousand tonnes (from January to December 2024). Forecast consumption for 2025 (January-April) - 675 thousand tonnes.

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