27.06.2024, 18:26 65251

Olzhas Bektenov inspects the Small Aral and gives instructions on water conservation and ecology

Olzhas Bektenov inspects the Small Aral and gives instructions on water conservation and ecology
Images | primeminister.kz
The introduction of water-saving technologies and water infrastructure development were among the key issues within the framework of the working visit of the Prime Minister to Kyzylorda region. Olzhas Bektenov familiarised himself with the progress of implementation of the instructions of the Head of State on the preservation and development of the Small Aral Sea, in particular, attention was paid to the construction of the Kara-Ozek reservoir and the pace of reconstruction of the Kokaral dam was checked, primeminister.kz reports.

The main water artery of the region is the Syrdarya River. Over the past few years, due to the low water level of the river, the average annual volume of collected water in the Northern Aral has decreased from the designed 27 billion cubic metres to 18.9 billion cubic metres in 2022. As of today, as a result of measures taken to increase water inflow from 6 cubic metres per second to 50 cubic metres per second, the volume of water in the Northern Aral made 21.4 billion cubic metres with 1.5 billion cubic metres received since the beginning of the current year. It is important to note that socio-economic development and environmental situation of the region directly depend on water supply to the Syrdarya river basin, near which 85 per cent of settlements in the region are located and more than 93 per cent of the local population lives.

Today the region is actively implementing water-saving technologies. There are 286 thousand hectares of irrigated lands in the region, 185-190 thousand hectares of which are sown with agricultural crops. According to the instruction of the Head of State on diversification of crops, this year the area of rice has been reduced by 6 thousand hectares. Laser planning allowed to reduce water consumption for irrigation of rice fields. Thanks to the innovative technology over the last 10 years it was possible to save up to 20 per cent of water and increase productivity up to 30 per cent. In addition, the volume of introduction of other water-saving technologies in the region this year reached 4.2 thousand hectares, until 2030 it is planned to increase this figure to 34.2 thousand hectares. In this direction, 3 large investment projects are currently being implemented in Kyzylorda region with a total area of 4.8 thousand hectares.

The Head of State has instructed to accelerate the introduction of water-saving technologies. Taking into account the lack of water in the Syr Darya River, in order to utilise the possibilities of using groundwater, I instruct the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation to also conduct research of underground sources," Olzhas Bektenov stressed.

In addition, Prime Minister instructed the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation to make proposals for financing the project in Kyzylorda region on the construction of the reservoir Kara-Ozek with a capacity of 775 million cubic metres. The main purpose of the new technical construction is to save a part of water irretrievably discharged into the Large Aral Sea through the Kokaral dam. These measures will allow in the growing season to provide irrigation of 31 thousand hectares of crops in Kazaly district and 11 thousand hectares of hayfields and pastures located along the channel. The reservoir Karaozek is included in the list of 9 water infrastructure facilities, the construction of which in the country should be carried out as a priority.

Head of the Government was also informed about plans for the reconstruction of the Kokaral dam, which will be completed this year. As part of the project, the damaged dam will be restored, as well as channels to the sea through lakes Karashalan and Tushy. Olzhas Bektenov stressed that the Government will continue to work with neighbouring countries on the efficient use of water resources, compliance with water withdrawal limits and operation modes of the cascade of reservoirs in the Syrdarya and Amudarya basins.

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