06.02.2020, 18:54 47205

10 more on Japanese cruise ship infected with coronavirus

Another 10 people on a cruise ship quarantined near Yokohama have tested positive for a new coronavirus originating in the Chinese city of Wuhan.
Another 10 people on a cruise ship quarantined near Yokohama have tested positive for a new coronavirus originating in the Chinese city of Wuhan, the health ministry said Thursday.
The latest figure brings the total number of people on the ship infected with the pneumonia-causing virus to 20, Kyodo reports.
The ship, the Diamond Princess, with 2,666 passengers and 1,045 crew aboard has been kept in quarantine at anchor off a pier in the Kanagawa Prefecture capital after a disembarked 80-year-old passenger from Hong Kong was found to be infected with the virus.
 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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