09.08.2024, 12:09 53861

Abai's Birthday Was Celebrated in New Delhi

Abai's Birthday Was Celebrated in New Delhi
Images | Kazakh MFA
In honor of the birthday of the great Kazakh thinker, poet, founder of written Kazakh literature Abai Kunanbayuly, a flower-laying ceremony was held at his bust, which was solemnly opened in 2022 on the territory of the capital's San Martin Park, located next to Abai Street (Abai Marg), press service of the Kazakh MFA reports.

In addition to the staff of the diplomatic mission of Kazakhstan in India and diplomats of foreign countries accredited in the host country, the ceremony was also attended by the Secretary of the National Academy of Literature of India "Sahitya Akademi" Dr. K. Srinivasarao. Within the framework of this event the Ambassador of Kazakhstan in India Nurlan Zhalgasbayev presented 50 copies of books "Words of edification" by Abai Kunanbayuly, translated into Hindi and republished by the Embassy in 2022, to the book fund of the Academy.

It is important to note that Abai Kunanbayuly's "Words of Edification" were first translated into Hindi by Sahitya Akademi in 1995 as part of the celebration of the poet's 150th anniversary in India.

The bust of Abai Kunanbayuly was unveiled on 2 June 2022 with the participation of the State Minister of Foreign Affairs and Culture of India Ms. Meenakshi Lekhi, ministries and departments of the two countries, the media and business circles, as well as representatives of the creative intelligentsia and residents of the Indian capital.

The official opening ceremony of Abai Street (Abai Marg) in New Delhi took place in February 2002.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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