19.06.2024, 18:43 34546

Mutual recognition of academic titles is discussed in the EAEU

As part of the development of a common labour market and the simplification of employment procedures for citizens of Eurasian Economic Union member states, a draft international treaty on the mutual recognition of documents on academic titles is being discussed, press service of the Ministry of Trade and Integration reports.

Today, citizens of EAEU member states who have academic titles of professor, associate professor (assistant professor) and senior researcher have to undergo recognition procedures under the legislation of the state of employment.

The international treaty being developed will make it possible to exempt holders of academic titles from the need to undergo the relevant procedures.

In particular, the parties shall agree on the length of scientific and (or) scientific-pedagogical activity and other criteria, compliance with which is necessary for mutual recognition of academic titles.

It is planned to exchange information on the recognition of academic titles between authorised organisations.

Thus, for example, the official websites of authorised organisations on the Internet will contain the texts of normative legal acts regulating the issues of awarding academic titles, a list and samples of academic titles, information on established scientific attestations, etc.

In general, this work is carried out in order to free Kazakhstani degree holders from unnecessary bureaucratic formalities in the EAEU member states.

As of today, the «five» countries are continuing negotiations on this issue.

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