03.02.2011, 16:26 3735

Loneliness poses health risk

Loneliness has been warned to be the cause of depression, poor eating habits, and physical damage, the agency reports.

Almaty. February 3. Kazakhstan Today - Loneliness has been warned to be the cause of depression, poor eating habits, and physical damage, the agency reports.

Loneliness is the 'hidden killer' of the elderly which threatens health as much as obesity or smoking, campaigners warned yesterday, Daily Mail reported.

A group of charities says the emotional cost may be known, but the physical damage has been neglected.

Almost one in ten elderly people suffers 'intense' loneliness, leading to increased risk of depression, lack of exercise and poor eating habits.

Greater recognition is needed among health professionals of the links between poor health and loneliness, it is claimed.

In a report, they call for better awareness of the 'horror' of loneliness and its 'pernicious impact' on older people.

According to a poll of 2,200, fewer than one in five has ever seen or heard information about loneliness as a health risk.

The World Health Organisation has rated loneliness as a higher risk to health than smoking and as great a risk as obesity.

Researchers also say lack of social interaction increases the chances of suffering degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's.

Loneliness is increasing, partly due to greater numbers living on their own as they live longer and families disperse. More than half of those over the age of 75 live alone and about one in ten suffers 'intense' loneliness.

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