22.09.2023, 09:17 16341

Kazakhstan pockets 3rd medal at World Wrestling Championships in Belgrade

Kazakhstan pockets 3rd medal at World Wrestling Championships in Belgrade
Images | olympic.kz
Kazakh Zhamilya Bakbergenova won the bronze medal in the women’s 72 kg final bout at the now-running 2023 World Wrestling Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, Kazinform learnt from Sports.kz.

Zhamilya beat Natalia Strzalka of Poland 4:1 to add the third medal to the country’s tally. As earlier reported, Rizabek Aitmukhan won gold, and Azamat Dauletbekov secured bronze in the men’s finals.

Zhamilya twice took silver at the World Championships in 2021 and 2022, and three times won the Asian Championships title.

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