24.07.2024, 16:57 62371

Kazakhstani delegation for Paris Olympics announced

Kazakhstani delegation for Paris Olympics announced
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Kazakhstan sends a delegation of 209 people to the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, the country’s Tourism and Sport Ministry said, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.

The Kazakh delegation to Paris includes 149 athletes and coaches, five representatives of the Kazakh Tourism and Sport Ministry, six members of the Sport Development Directorate, 10 National Olympic Committee officials, 23 doctors and massage therapists of the National Sport Medicine and Rehabilitation Center, and 16 media representatives.

Team Kazakhstan has earned a total of 92 Olympic Games quotas in 25 sports.

The XXXIII Summer Olympic Games will be held in Paris from July 26 till August 11. The event will bring together 10,500 athletes from 205 countries, who will compete for 329 sets of medals in 32 sports.

Asslanbek Shymbergenov, leader of the men’s boxing team, 2023 world champion and sprinter Olga Safronova, Asian champion in 2014, were selected as Team Kazakhstan's flag bearers for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris.

It was added that Kazakhstan’s uniforms for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games include ceremonial, ceremonial-sports, sports ones as well as ceremonial uniforms for flag bearers.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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