09.01.2025, 15:52 165381

Heavy rains kill 16 in Bolivia

Rainy season downpours have claimed at least 16 lives and impacted more than 16,000 families in Bolivia since last November, authorities said on Wednesday, Xinhua reports.

Heavy rains from November through the first week of January have wreaked havoc in the South American nation, sparking deadly floods and mudslides, Juan Carlos Calvimontes, Bolivia's deputy civil defense minister, said at a press conference.

According to the official, some 36 municipalities have seen substantial damage. In the municipalities of Apolo, La Asunta and Luribay, all in western La Paz department, authorities have declared a "state of disaster" to deal with the aftermath.

Eight of the country's nine departments have reported weather-related problems and damage, with the only exception being Oruro.

Other climatic events registered since November, including frost and hail storms, have also caused damage in five departments.

The rainy season has been forecast to last until March or April 2025.

Earlier it was reported that winter storm had brought heavy snow and freezing temps across the U.S.

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