25.11.2022, 17:16 45316

Aktau meeting debates development of transport routes via Caspian Sea

Aktau meeting debates development of transport routes via Caspian Sea
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The meeting devoted to the further development of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route brings together foreign ministers and ministers responsible for transport issues of Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkiye, the Kazakh Industry and Infrastructure Development Ministry’s press service reports.
Addressing those gathered Kazakh Industry and Infrastructure Development Minister Kairbek Uskenbayev drew attention to the multiple growth of goods traffic via the Caspian Sea and revealed the measures taken by Kazakhstan to expand capacity of the international route.
According to him, for the past 10 months some 1.5 mln tons of cargo was shipped via the Aktau and Kuryk ports and the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route that is twice more against the same period of the previous year. Thereat, container shipping grew by 55%. He added that currently the transport infrastructure of the international route allows shipping some 6 mln tons.
The roadmap is expected to increase the route carrying capacity up to 10 mln tons a year.
Source: kazinform 

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