23.01.2025, 13:02 203766

Olzhas Bektenov discusses further economic development with experts

Olzhas Bektenov discusses further economic development with experts
Images | primeminister.kz
Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov met with representatives of the expert community in the field of economy and entrepreneurship, primeminister.kz reports.

The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss measures and approaches of the economic block of the Government to achieve sustainable economic growth. Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of National Economy Serik Zhumangarin reported on the current economic situation in the country and voiced approaches to fiscal reform to address the development of industry, modernisation of infrastructure, launch of new growth points in the regions.

The participants of the meeting discussed the drafts of the new Tax and Budget Codes, which enshrine measures to stabilise public finances and their effective use.

In the course of the meeting on the impact of the proposed changes on various sectors of the economy were expressed by the chairman of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry ‘Atameken’ Raimbek Batalov, chairman of the board of the Union of Machine Builders of Kazakhstan Meiram Prshembayev, executive director of the Republican Association of Mining and Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises Nikolay Radostovets, president of the Association of Real Estate Developers of Kazakhstan Viktor Mikryukov, chairman of the Committee of Pharmaceutical, Medical Industry and Medical Services of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry Atameken Nurzha Nurzha, chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry Atameken.

Expert opinions were shared by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Eurasian National University named after Gumilyov Zhaksybek Kulekeev, Chairman of the Board of Directors of NAC Analytica Corporate Fund Rasul Rysmambetov, Managing Partner of Dasco Consulting group LLP Darmen Sadvakasov, General Director of Fortune Partners LLP, Head of Tax Law School MNU Dana Tokmurzina, Chairman of the Public Council on Public Finance MF Rustam Zhursunov, Head of the analytical group Comment, economist Eldar Shamsutdinov. Director of the Centre for Applied Research Talap Rahim Oshakbaev, head of DESHT analytical centre Kuanysh Zhaikov, economist Galymzhan Aitkazin, independent financial analyst Andrey Chebotarev, managing partner of investment company Visor Kazakhstan Almas Chukin and others also attended the discussion.

Prime Minister thanked the participants of the meeting for a constructive dialogue and instructed the Ministries of National Economy, Finance to work out the voiced proposals on reforming the fiscal sphere.

The President has set a task is to change the structure of the economy with strengthening the development of the real sector. Therefore, the discussed reforms are important for the country. Fiscal reform will be an effective mechanism to improve the work on further development of the economy," Olzhas Bektenov emphasised.

The Government continues to actively work with experts to develop the most effective measures to stimulate economic growth.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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