24.05.2024, 15:29 74616

Shymkent oil refinery to boost capacity to up to 12mln tons of oil a year

Shymkent oil refinery to boost capacity to up to 12mln tons of oil a year
On May 23, the Ministry of Energy, KazMunayGas, PetroKazakhstan Oil Products and CNPC representatives held a working meeting on the project 'Expansion of the Shymkent Oil Refinery to up to 12 million tons of oil per year', Kazinform News Agency reports.

PetroKazakhstan Oil Products is one of the major oil processing plants in Central Asia with a capacity of six million tons per year, meeting the country’s demand for motor fuel.

The energy ministry and the government bodies designed the intergovernmental draft agreement with China, providing support measures: provision of raw materials, infrastructure, energy resources and application of international standards as well as obligations of investors.

The project is among the list of 15 major projects aimed at creating high-value added clusters upon the Head of State’s instruction.

According to estimates, the project will enable to increase production of gasoline by 700 thousand tons, jet fuel by 700 thousand tons and diesel fuel by 3.9 million tons. Launch of new facilities is expected in 2030.

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