12.10.2022, 19:26 15491

Türkiye's companies to funnel $200mln of investment in Kazakh agro-industrial complex

Türkiye is planning to implement a number of major projects in Kazakhstan.
$200mln is expected to be invested by Turkish companies in the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan, agriculture minister Yerbol Karashukeev said, Kazinform correspondent reports.

Our relations with Türkiye are at the very high level. In seven months of this year, the exports and imports rose twofold. Kazakh exports doubled, whereas imports from Turkiye were up 60%. Trade dynamics is high as of now," said Karashukeev.

He went on to note that Türkiye is planning to implement a number of major projects in Kazakhstan.

Turkish investors intend to invest in the agro-industrial complex. This includes some major projects. Over $200mln worth of investment is expected. Among the projects are leather processing, cultivating garden crops. Agriculture Ministry provides necessary support," said the minister.


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