06.06.2024, 18:52 58131

Kazakhstan to allocate $10-12bn to build its first nuclear power plant

Kazakhstan to allocate $10-12bn to build its first nuclear power plant
Images | Depositphotos
Kazakhstan is to provide 10-12 billion US dollars to the construction of the first nuclear power plant if approved by a public referendum, reads the consultation document on regulatory policy of the Energy Ministry to the draft law on the use of alternative energy sources, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.

According to the document, Kazakhstan faces a number of issues regarding the energy sector, including a low share of alterative and renewable energy sources in the total electricity and heat energy generation, the lack of favorable conditions for promoting alternative energy sources as well as the absence of legal regulation of development of activity with the use of alternative energy sources at the national level.

The document suggests the following ways to address the mentioned issues: Stimulating the business community to use alternative energy sources, defining nuclear energy as an alternative carbon-free source of energy at the legislative level; creating conditions for production of hydrogen in Kazakhstan.

It is expected that Kazakhstan is to allocate 10-12 billion US dollars to build its first nuclear power plant in case the issue is regulated legally and finds support during the nationwide referendum.

The document will be under public discussion until July 27.

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