17.04.2024, 12:18 65276

275 officials brought to responsibility, rights of 900 protected, Kazakh Ombudsman

275 officials brought to responsibility, rights of 900 protected, Kazakh Ombudsman
Images | Akorda
Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev received Human Rights Ombudsman of Kazakhstan Artur Lastayev, Kazinform News Agency reports citing Akorda press service.

The latter reported on the opening of territorial representatives of the Human Rights Commissioner. Last year over 5,000 complaints were lodged to the Ombudsman that is 1.5 times as compared to 2022.

He also reported on the work of the national preventive mechanism, improvement of legislation, and intensifying international cooperation with human rights organizations and civil society. In particular, 275 officials were brought to responsibility, rights of over 900 people were protected.

Lastayev focused on the measures adopted to implement the President’s tasks to prevent domestic violence. The human rights institution is elaborating a special report on domestic violence and abuse countermeasures.

Following the meeting, the Head of State stressed the need to further strengthen guarantees for the protection of human rights.

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