15.05.2024, 21:31 57501

Amendments to technical regulations and requirements for certain types of goods adopted at EEC Council meeting

At the regular meeting of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission on 14 May 2024 online adopted a number of amendments to technical regulations and documents establishing mandatory requirements for certain types of goods. The Kazakh side was headed by Deputy Prime Minister Serik Zhumangarin, primeminister.kz reports.

According to the adopted decision, such types of means and products for oral hygiene, such as fixing powders and pastes for dentures, toothbrushes and floss, will now be assessed for compliance with uniform sanitary requirements through state registration. This will minimise the circulation on the markets of the EAEU countries of oral hygiene products that do not comply with the established standards.

The amendments to the technical regulation "On the Safety of Toys" were adopted without objection. Now new definitions will appear on the labelling labels, such as "flavoured toy", "stuffed toy", "rattle", "set for the development of taste skills", "board games for the development of sense of smell", "taste sets" and others.

A package of amendments to the rules for determining the origin of goods from developing and least developed countries was approved. These rules are applied for granting tariff preferences. The amendments will facilitate the simplification of the procedure for confirmation of origin during customs clearance of goods. In particular, the possibility to use a copy of the certificate of origin instead of the original, or in electronic form, is being introduced on a permanent basis. Requirements for the conditions of transport of goods, provisions on electronic databases of third countries to verify the certificate of origin and others have been specified.

The EEC Council also supported amendments to the rules for determining the country of origin of certain types of goods for public procurement. The main change concerns the definition of the country of origin of goods for granting national treatment when participating in public procurement. Thanks to the new wording, it will not matter whether the goods are offered by suppliers from the country where the procurement is carried out or from other EAEU member states.

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