During the Government session, the Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Nurzhan Nurzhigitov reported on the work carried out in the supervised sector,
primeminister.kz reports.
As the Minister noted, in accordance with the Head of State's instruction, two strategically important documents were adopted in 2024: the Concept of Water Resources Management System Development for 2024-2030 and the Comprehensive Water Sector Development Plan for 2024-2028 aimed at large-scale modernisation of the country's water sector.
The plan consists of 160 diverse measures, the financing of which is envisaged at the expense of the republican and local budgets, as well as extra-budgetary sources. It provides for the construction of 42 reservoirs, reconstruction of 37 hydraulic structures and 14,000 kilometres of irrigation canals," Nurzhigitov said.
According to him, most of the allocated funds, namely 40%, will be used to restore and modernise irrigation canals. For the reconstruction of hydraulic structures, including automation and digitalisation, 51% of the total funding is provided. Thus, 91% of the total funds of the plan are aimed at modernisation and reconstruction of existing water facilities.
Realising the need for large-scale investments in the development of the water sector, in 2024, the ministry has carried out a lot of work to attract a loan from the Islamic Development Bank in the amount of $2.7 billion. The project is planned to be implemented in two stages: the amount of agreement of the first stage is $1.1 billion," Nurzhigitov informed.
Within the framework of the first stage, according to him, in 2025 it is planned to start construction of 4 new reservoirs in three regions of the country. Of them, Akmola, Kalguty, Karauziak, located in the south of the country, are aimed at covering water deficit during the growing season on the newly introduced irrigation area of 22.5 thousand hectares.
Construction of the Bolshoi Uzen reservoir in West Kazakhstan province is aimed at retaining flood and melt water and eliminating the threat of flooding of 2 settlements in Kaztalovsky district with a population of about 5,000 people.
In addition, within the framework of the first stage it is planned to reconstruct 4 operating reservoirs on the territory of two regions Ters-Ashchybulak and Karakonyz in Zhambyl region, Koksarai counter-regulator and Koskorgan reservoir in Turkestan region.
The Minister further noted that within the framework of reconstruction it is planned to modernise 115 canals with a length of more than 3.4 km with elements of digitalisation on the territory of 6 oblasts, as well as construction of a structure for recharging the Astana reservoir.
Also, at the end of the first stage, $140 million will be directed to the facilities of the State Enterprise Turan Su of Turkestan region and $186 million to the facilities of the State Enterprise Almatyoblvodkhoz of Almaty region.
The second phase envisages the implementation of 25 projects worth $1.6 billion, including 11 new projects, reconstruction of 13 existing water reservoirs and modernisation of more than 5,000 km of canals in 10 regions.
In 2025, it is planned to implement 98 projects worth 173.7 billion tenge, which is 73% more than the level of 2024, including 6.5 billion tenge at the expense of the EBRD, 24.4 billion tenge - IDB. In turn, at the expense of the envisaged funds in the amount of 70.8 billion tenge by the end of the year it is planned to complete 12 group water pipeline projects, which will provide 153 villages with quality drinking water with a population of 423 thousand people," Nurzhigitov said.
At the same time, he said, 52 settlements will be connected to the centralised water supply system. Also, the reconstruction of 3 reservoirs will be continued. These are Yntalinskoye in Zhambyl region, Kirovskoye in West Kazakhstan region, Kapchagai in Turkestan region and construction of the reservoir Baidibek Ata in Turkestan region, which during the growing season will additionally provide 68 million m3 of water, which will guarantee increased water supply to 6 districts of Turkestan region.
At the same time, the ministry plans to put into operation this year more than 1.9 thousand kilometres of irrigation canals with a suspended area of 256 thousand hectares at a total cost of 92.3 billion tenge.
Thus, the implementation of all planned initiatives, will make it possible to accumulate and save up to 10 billion cubic metres of water by 2030. In the long term, this will ensure water security of the country, increase agricultural productivity and support environmental sustainability," Nurzhigitov summarised.