17.04.2024, 19:28 65686

Kazakh PM Bektenov instructs to pay one-time compensation to flood victims before end of week

Kazakh PM Bektenov instructs to pay one-time compensation to flood victims before end of week
Images | primeminister.kz
Prime minister of Kazakhstan Olzhas Bektenov chaired a meeting focused on damage compensation for those suffered from floods in Kazakhstan. During the meeting, reports were made by finance minister Madi Takiyev, industry and construction minister Kanat Sharlapaev, regional governors, Kazinform News Agency cites the press service of the Kazakh government.

So far, 3,561 families affected by floods have received a total of nearly 1 billion tenge for the properties lost in one-time compensation in the amount of 100 monthly calculation indexes. Such a compensation is set to be paid to everyone suffered by the end of the week.

Housing is to be built or purchased for those who lost their homes to floods.

During the meeting, it was reported that in Pavlodar region compensation payments were made for damages to 119 homes as well as that construction of five houses has begun. In Kostanay region, 27 apartments were purchased for those suffered from floods in Arkalyk town, as well as 1,600 families have received social care. 44 families have received financial compensation for 94.3 million tenge as well as 57 new houses are under construction in Aktobe region.

According to the operational data of the regional authorities, as of today, in total of 9,627 houses, including 9,610 individual houses and 17 residential buildings, have suffered from floods across the country. Following the technical examination of 2,123 houses, it has been revealed that 1,067 houses are beyond repair and 1,056 require repair.

At the meeting, Kazakh Prime minister Bektenov pointed out that the extent of damage is likely to increase due to continuous difficult situation with floods in a number of regions.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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