21.05.2024, 20:11 63836

Minister of Tourism and Sport: active work on involving schoolchildren in sporting events and promoting a healthier lifestyle being carried out

The Ministry of Tourism and Sport has a set of measures to organise recreation and leisure activities for children. They are aimed at developing the sporting potential of children and teenagers, broadening their horizons, popularising a healthy lifestyle. This was reported by the Minister of Tourism and Sports Yermek Marzhikpayev at the Government session chaired by Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov, primeminister.kz reports.

In particular, presidential tests will be held in the summer. Also will be held championships of the country among amateur teams in football and mini-football, which will involve more than 2 thousand children and teenagers in 7 age categories.

The state sports order programme does not stop working during the summer holidays. Championships will be held in such sports as kekushinkai karate, kickboxing, muaythai, grappling, chess. Children's routes will be organised as part of the national rock festival "Burabai-2024". There will also be a race with overcoming obstacles "ULY DALA JARYSY" with the participation of 300 children and teenagers," the head of the department said.

More than 500 physical training and health-improving events among the population will be held in all regions of the republic, dedicated to the Children's Day and the Day of Sports. In addition, the republican stage of national school sports leagues in 10 sports is held annually among secondary schools.

In that connection, in conjunction with the Ministry of Education, active work is being carried out to involve schoolchildren in sports activities and to promote a healthy lifestyle. Measures will be taken to increase the motivation of children and adolescents with disabilities to take part in sports. Thus, in the summer, regional qualifying competitions of the National Inclusive Games "Zhuldyzai" will continue in the regions.

National sports will not be neglected. There will be championships and tournaments in asyk atu, jamba atu, togyzkumalak, traditional archery and kazak kuresi.

The development of children's and youth tourism and support for projects involving children's travel is a priority of State policy. A catalogue of children's and youth tourism facilities has been created on the basis of an inventory of children's camps.

Some of the functioning children's recreation centres were built back in the Soviet period, many of them have already exceeded the life expectancy of their buildings and require major repairs. However, attracting investment in this industry remains unprofitable for many entrepreneurs due to the seasonality of business. Therefore, to stimulate investment activity, state measures have been introduced, including the possibility of receiving compensation of up to 10% of construction costs and reimbursement of 25% of expenses for the purchase of tourist buses.

Another measure of state support aimed at children is the Kids Go Free programme. Over the past two years, more than 3,500 children have benefited from free flights. This year it is planned to cover 3,000 children under this programme. The "Living Lessons" project is also being successfully implemented. As part of this project, excursion classes were organised where children received not only practical knowledge, but also visited enterprises and factories.

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