29.07.2024, 13:52 4546

Performance of akims to be assessed by specific indicators of improving public life quality

Performance of akims to be assessed by specific indicators of improving public life quality
Images | primeminister.kz
Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Olzhas Bektenov held a meeting on improving the quality of life in the country by increasing the effectiveness of state support measures. The issues of further improvement of the "Digital Family Card" were considered, as well as a demonstration of the projects "Social Purse", "Voucher financing of preschool organizations, primeminister.kz reports.

Prime Minister instructed to introduce KPI of work of akims by the criterion of real improvement of the welfare of specific residents.

For this purpose, on the basis of the platform "Digital Family Map" there will be a constant monitoring and analysis of the welfare of all Kazakhstani families in five categories, ranging from emergency and crisis levels to satisfactory and prosperous. Depending on the dynamics of the transition of families from unsatisfactory categories to improvement and vice versa, the work of local executive bodies will be assessed. As of today, the current results of the Digital Family Map have already been positively assessed by the UN and leading international institutions.

Akims are instructed to use this tool as a "desk book" for planning and implementation of medium and long-term measures. It is necessary to proactively identify families in need in order to pre-empt the risk of their falling into difficult life situations, as well as in general to reduce poverty, unemployment, hidden employment. Head of the Government instructed regional akims together with central government agencies to carry out targeted work with each family and to ensure the reduction of families from the categories of "crisis" and "emergency".

The task set before us by the Head of State is to improve the quality of life in the country. There is a mechanism, state support measures work, the state allocates the necessary funds. We are moving to the criterion of assessing the real contribution of akims to improving the welfare of specific people. Monitoring of the fulfillment of indicators will be constant. We will be online to see the dynamics and draw conclusions," Olzhas Bektenov emphasized.

It should be noted that most of the republican budget is aimed at the full realization of social obligations, development of regions. In this regard, the meeting considered the project "Social Wallet", which will ensure transparency and timeliness of state support measures for citizens. Today, through the Social Purse residents are provided free and subsidized meals in schools, medicines in the pilot mode. Additionally, the launch of pilot projects to provide targeted assistance in the purchase of socially important food products, purchase of technical rehabilitation equipment for persons with disabilities, as well as vouchers for socially vulnerable segments of the population in order to compensate for the increase in prices for petroleum products and commodity gas is being studied.

Prime Minister instructed government agencies to ensure the accuracy and correctness of data entering the social purse and the Digital Card in their areas and directions. It has been instructed to scale the project "Social Purse", to work out the issues of making appropriate changes in the legislation. In addition, the need to work out the target accrual of funds, including the use of e-money and digital tender platforms.

The project "Voucher financing of preschool organizations" aimed at improving the quality of educational services was also presented. The concept of "Money follows the child" means that state order funds will be transferred to preschool organizations only after parents' choice. This will increase competition among kindergartens for children and reduce corruption risks. The Ministry of Education has been instructed to complete the pilot project on voucher financing in the cities of Taraz and Shymkent and ensure its scaling up across the country from January 1, 2025.

For reference:

Today in Kazakhstan state support measures cover:

  • per capita financing in education - more than 4.2 million children;
  • educational grant for higher education - more than 692 thousand people;
  • per capita financing in the sphere of culture and sports - more than 250 thousand people;
  • per capita financing in the health care system - more than 20 million people;
  • free medicines - more than 2.1 million people;
  • social payments to persons with disabilities - 732,000 people;
  • social payments to families with children - more than 1 million families;
  • targeted social assistance - 255,200 people;
  • etc.

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