17.05.2024, 19:00 58141

President Tokayev appoints new governor of Mangistau region

President Tokayev appoints new governor of Mangistau region
Images | Akorda
As per a decree of the President of Kazakhstan, Nurdaulet Kilybay, ex-Mayor of Aktau and ex-Chairman of the Management Board of JSC NC OzenMunayGas, has been appointed today the governor of Mangistau region, Kazinform News Agency reports.

Born in 1978, in Beineu, Mangystau region, Nurdaulet Kilybay is a graduate of the Mukhamedzhan Tynyshpayev Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications (1999), Eurasian National Gumilyov University (2003), and Stafford House International in Boston, the U.S. (2018).

In different years, he held various positions in Kazakhstan Temir Zholy entities, and at the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

From November 2018 to June 2020, he was deputy governor of Mangistau region.

From June 2020 to October 2022, he was Mayor of Aktau.

In October 2022, he was appointed the deputy governor of Mangistau region, and in January 2023, he was appointed Director General – Chairman of the Management Board of JSC OzenMunayGas company.

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