19.12.2024, 16:24 240021
Presidents of Kazakhstan, Guinea-Bissau visit AIFC
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Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and President of Guinea-Bissau Umaro Sissoco Embaló, who is paying an official visit to Kazakhstan, have visited the Astana International Financial Centre, Kazinform News Agency learned from the Akorda press service.
Renat Bekturov, the Governor of the AIFC, informed the guests about the AIFC’s structure and the areas of its activity. He said that investments, green and Islamic financing, as well as training personnel for financial sector could be priority areas of the two countries’ cooperation on the AIFC platform.
According to him, the volume of investments attracted through the AIFC has reached $14 billion, $6.7 billion of which are portfolio investments on the Astana International Exchange. More than 3,400 companies from 85 countries including six companies from the African continent have been registered at the AIFC.
The presidents of Kazakhstan and Guinea-Bissau were informed about activity of the AIFC Court - Central Asia’s first judicial system based on the norms and principles of case law, as well as about operation of the International Arbitration Centre and Green Finance Centre. The heads of state also got familiarized with the activity of Astana Financial Services Authority (AFSA) and the peculiarities of the AIFC’s regulatory framework.
Umaro Sissoco Embaló arrived in Kazakhstan on December 18 for an official visit at the invitation of Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.
The two presidents adopted a joint statement, after which they held a briefing for mass media.
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11.02.2025, 19:52 78001
Over 400 thousand tonnes of discounted diesel fuel prepared for agrarians for spring field work
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Measures to provide diesel fuel to agricultural producers in preparation for spring field work were discussed at the Government session chaired by Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov. Energy Minister Almassadam Satkaliyev made a report, primeminister.kz reports.
According to him, January 30, the Ministries of Energy and Agriculture approved a schedule for the delivery of 401 thousand tonnes of diesel fuel for spring field work in 2025. Delivery will be carried out in the period from 1 February to 30 June 2025.
Previously, for 2 years, the price was held at 228 tenge per litre with delivery to the regions, which meant the final price - 250 tenge at agricultural producers with VAT, the margin of operators for the supply of diesel fuel - 22 tenge per litre, which is much higher than the margin of gas stations with lower operating costs.
The minister added that on 30 January 2025 the state regulation of AI-92 and diesel fuel prices was cancelled. The current price of diesel fuel recommended by the Ministry of Energy is 232 tenge per litre to the destination station in the regions. The final price is set by regional operators and may be 254 tenge, which is 45 tenge cheaper or 15% lower than the retail price of petrol stations.
To ensure transparency and control over the movement of diesel fuel for agrarians, measures have been taken:
- separate PIN codes have been obtained;
- colouring of diesel fuel in yellow, blue and red colours;
- creation of a separate virtual warehouse for diesel fuel in the electronic invoice system.
According to Almassadam Satkaliyev, shipments will be carried out by refineries on a priority basis in strict accordance with applications, payment and delivery of railway wagons by operator companies determined by regional Akimats.
To date, operators have been selected only for Kyzylorda region - 480 tonnes out of 9,980 tonnes or 4.8%. However, payment has not been received yet. In this regard, in order to provide farmers with diesel fuel in a timely manner, the head of the Ministry of Energy recommended to accelerate the selection of companies-operators to accelerate the shipment of fuel and lubricants and prevent overstocking of reservoirs of the GPP.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
11.02.2025, 17:40 78401
Kazakhstan intends to increase yields in agriculture by introducing digital technologies
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Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Dmitriy Mun reported at the Government session on the ongoing work on the implementation of innovative digital solutions in agriculture, primeminister.kz reports.
He said that the digitalisation of agriculture helps to use land more efficiently and facilitate the work of farmers.
For this purpose, we are introducing intelligent land management systems. We extract valuable information from big data. As a result, the economy grows and products reach from the producer to the buyer faster and easier," Dmitriy Mun said.
It was noted that today the Ministry of Agriculture provides 93 public services. Of these, 98 per cent are provided online. In 2024, more than 2.6 million electronic services were provided.
In addition, Kazakhstan is conducting satellite monitoring of land. In the past, checking the rational use of land was complicated. Inspectors travelled to the field and checked everything manually. All work was done on paper. The state databases were not connected with each other. Today this process has been simplified thanks to digitalisation. The Ger Inspector system has been launched, under which the following measures have been taken:
Satellite monitoring has been introduced - the entire territory of the country is now under control.
Landowners receive automatic notifications via SMS and personal accounts.
A unified database accessible to all state agencies has been created.
Now 116 million hectares of agricultural land are under monitoring. Since 2022, 12 million hectares of land have been returned to state ownership due to inefficient use. In 2025, it is planned to return another 2 million hectares. 5 million hectares of agricultural land have been redistributed for the local population," Dmitriy Mun said.
Deputy Minister added that the use of satellite monitoring and geo-analytics, autonomous robots and drones, proper forecasting can increase crop yields by 10-15%, reduce water consumption by up to 25%.
Such technologies are widely used, for example, in the Netherlands - the second country in the world in terms of agricultural exports," Dmitriy Mun explained.
Kazakhstan also plans to introduce AI agents to automate key processes in agriculture. In particular, such projects as:
- Chat-bot assistant with AI elements for subsidising agricultural applications - AI automatically checks applications and reduces the percentage of rejections due to incorrect data (errors are down from 30% to 5%).
- Intelligent soil analysis system - reduces manual labour by 75-80%, improves recommendation accuracy by up to 95%.
- Drones with AI for pest control - reduces crop losses by 25-30%.
Implementation of these projects is planned for 2025-2026.
It is noted that Astana Hub is actively helping to introduce digital technologies in agriculture. Startups from Astana Hub earned 4.7 billion tenge. New jobs have been created.
Digitalisation is a key factor in sustainable and competitive agriculture. Modern digital technologies have been introduced in Kazakhstan to ensure transparency of land data, effective monitoring of resources and reduction of bureaucracy. Kazakhstan's IT companies are developing world-class solutions to increase yields, reduce costs and manage risks. The goal for the future is to widely implement digital technologies, expand cooperation between government, business and science, as well as the use of IoT, drones, AI and Big Data," Dmitriy Mun summarised.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
11.02.2025, 16:55 77796
Agricultural crops area to increase by 518 thousand hectares in Kazakhstan
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At the Government session chaired by Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov discussed issues of preparation for the sowing campaign. Minister of Agriculture Aidarbek Saparov made a report, primeminister.kz reports.
According to him, this year will continue diversification of sown areas in accordance with the Road Map, which was approved by the Government last year. The document is designed to increase gross agricultural output by 2 times.
In general, it is planned to place crops on the area of 23.8 million hectares, which exceeds the level of last year by 518 thousand hectares.
This year the diversification programme will cover about 1 million hectares. In particular, the area of highly profitable crops will be increased by 750 thousand hectares, including the area of oilseeds by 365 thousand hectares, fodder crops - by 184 thousand hectares, barley - by 114 thousand hectares, buckwheat - 41.5 thousand hectares, potatoes - 15 thousand hectares.
At the same time, a large-scale work on moving away from wheat monoculture continues. Thus, for 2 years the area of wheat has been reduced by almost 730 thousand hectares, including 159 thousand hectares this year.
The measures taken will make it possible to optimise the structure of crops and reduce risks associated with fluctuations in prices for agricultural products. Currently, oilseeds and legumes are in demand both in domestic and foreign markets, and their prices are at a stable high level, which increases the profitability of agribusiness.
For example, while the average price of wheat is 65-70 thousand tenge per tonne, the market value of such export-oriented crops as flax and rape reaches 200 thousand tenge and higher.
In addition, legumes, being good forerunners, enrich the soil with nitrogen and increase the yield of subsequent crops. This is not only profitable, but also environmentally friendly, Aidarbek Saparov said.
In order to ensure a solid fodder base, it is planned to bring the area of fodder crops to 3.4 million hectares. The area of oilseeds will increase to 3.3 million hectares, which allows to load processing plants. The planned areas will fully meet the needs of the domestic market," the Minister of Agriculture said.
In preparation for the sowing campaign the work on formation of high-quality seed material is carried out. According to the operational data of regional akimats, agricultural producers need 2.3 million tonnes of seeds for the harvest of 2025, which are now fully filled. Preliminary examination of quality of 1.6 million tonnes of seeds has been carried out.
According to the schedule, 411 tonnes of seeds have been received for full examination, 99.5% of which were found to be conditioned and meet the 1st and 2nd class of sowing standard. Mass seed inspection will be completed by the end of March.
High productivity of seeds is possible only if strict GOST standards are met, including germination and germination energy as key parameters. At the same time, services on seed examination are in a competitive environment, and the selection of the service provider is carried out through public procurement.
Today, more than 10 laboratories are accredited in Kazakhstan. However, only Kazagrex has an extensive network, including representative offices in remote areas.
In 2018-2022 Kazagrex was under trust management, which led to the reduction of narrowly specialised staff. Such experiments are unacceptable, given the importance of seed expertise for the country's food security. Taking into account the negative experience, we propose to reconsider the issue of privatisation of Kazagrex," the head of the Ministry of Agriculture said.
Aidarbek Saparov said that last year, for the first time, advance subsidies were introduced for domestic fertiliser producers. This mechanism made fertilisers more affordable for farmers, which gave an impetus to the growth of fertiliser use. As a result, for the first time ever, fertiliser application rates exceeded 40% of the scientifically proven need, compared to 21% in previous years.
Together with favourable weather conditions and compliance with other agronomic practices, fertilisers proved to be effective and good yields were achieved for almost all crops.
For 2025, the plan for fertiliser application is 1.9 million tonnes or 59% of the scientific need. Fertiliser producers and suppliers are currently working on contracting and stockpiling in warehouses. According to plants, 177,000 tonnes of fertilisers are in storage. The Ministry of Finance has supported the issue of allocating additional funds from the Government Reserve to subsidise fertilisers in the planned volumes.
As of today, according to information from the regions, equipment readiness is about 75%. It is expected that by the beginning of mass sowing operations all equipment will be 100% ready.
According to the results of 2024, thanks to state support measures, agrarians have purchased 22 thousand units of modern equipment, the level of renewal of the agricultural machinery fleet of 5.5% has been achieved. This directly affects labour productivity during spring field and harvesting operations. At the same time, this year the Ministry of Agriculture has a task to bring this indicator up to 6.5%.
In general, agricultural organisations have 140 thousand tractors, about 5.5 thousand units of high-efficiency sowing complexes, 76.4 thousand seeders, 220 thousand tillage tools.
The regions have been allocated 401,000 tonnes of diesel fuel for spring field work, which is 6.5% more than last year. Together with the Ministry of Energy, a schedule of assigning regions to refineries for diesel fuel shipment has been approved. Currently, regional akimats are holding tender procedures to identify operators for the delivery and sale of diesel fuel for SCTPs.
In November 2024, for the first time, early financing of field works of the subsequent agricultural season was launched, crediting channels were expanded: for the first time, a loan for sowing can be obtained through social-entrepreneurial corporations. Multichannelisation is important in order to avoid a ‘bottleneck’ in financing," Aidarbek Saparov said.
At the same time, to date, only 2 SPKs are involved in financing, while farmers are interested in lending through SPKs because they have the most favourable conditions.
To date, the pool of applications, taking into account the early financing of the sowing campaign is 205.1 billion tenge on more than 1.3 thousand applications of agricultural enterprises, of which financed about 900 agricultural producers in the amount of 125.6 billion tenge.
In addition, this year it is planned to allocate 200 billion tenge for preferential leasing, which will give an additional impetus to the renewal of agricultural machinery, increasing productivity and sustainability of the agricultural sector. Financing will start this month.
Aidarbek Saparov reminded the akimats of the need for timely snow retention and moisture closure measures to create optimal conditions for the sowing campaign. In addition, it is necessary to pay special attention to the timeliness and correctness of all agro-technical measures from the choice of seeds, sowing dates, use of fertilisers, pre-sowing tillage and other necessary measures. In particular,
- to ensure full readiness of machinery, including repair work and preventive maintenance in order to avoid downtime and fulfil optimum agronomic timelines;
- to organise timely distribution of diesel fuel;
- to keep under special control the issue of seed quality expertise;
- to step up work on contracting farmers to supply fertilisers.
In addition, priority should be given to the issue of scientifically-based diversification of crop areas by switching to high-yielding, drought-resistant and marginal crops that meet the requirements of the modern market and climatic peculiarities.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
11.02.2025, 15:57 77571
Accuracy of statistical data in agricultural sector, accounting of grain stocks and products in stock funds, veterinary safety. Olzhas Bektenov instructions to solve these issues through full digitalisation
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The Government session chaired by Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov considered the issue of digitalisation of the agro-industrial complex. The Minister of Agriculture Aidarbek Saparov and Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry Dmitry Mun made reports on the ongoing work, primeminister.kz reports.
Currently, the Ministry of Agriculture has 4 information systems on its balance sheet. These are the identification of farm animals (ISA); the Unified Automated System for the Management of Agroindustrial Complex Sectors e-Agriculture (UASA); the Unified State Information System for Subsidies (GISS); and the Information System for Crediting the Population Auyl Amanaty. An information system for traceability of crop production is under development.
In the sphere of agro-industrial complex 93 state services are provided, 98 per cent of them in electronic format. In 2024, electronic services were used more than 2.6 million times. Re-engineering was carried out for 11 groups of business processes, 7 of them for land resources and the rest for crop production. As a result, the number of documents required for reporting was reduced by 83%. The number of steps for farmers has decreased by 85%, the time of service delivery has decreased by 97%.
Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov emphasised that at the first forum of agricultural workers the Head of State set the task of digital transformation of the agro-industrial complex. In this regard, the Government pays special attention to the introduction of elements of smart technologies in all sectors of agriculture. Specific goals and key areas have been identified.
Through the use of digital tools it is necessary to ensure the accuracy of data on the need for financial resources, reporting, sowing areas, livestock. The Head of the Government stressed that digitalisation should contribute to increasing transparency and efficiency of state support measures.
"It is important to introduce IT-tools in the accounting of agricultural land. It is necessary that their digitisation will contribute to the rational use of land and pastures, balanced sowing planning. Space monitoring of all agricultural lands and the use of drones should be more widely applied," Olzhas Bektenov said.
Another important issue is the system of identification of livestock and crop products. It is necessary to build a transparent chain of products from their origin to the end consumer. First of all, this system should be oriented to the accounting of produced products, guarantee of their quality, control of biological and veterinary safety.
Filat stressed the need to make greater use of digital solutions and artificial intelligence in forecasting climate risks, crop yields and market prices for foodstuffs. Besides, due to the application of artificial intelligence, it is expected to optimise the processes of irrigation, the use of plant protection products and fertilizers, the consumption of fodder, as well as the management of the fleet of agricultural machinery.
"Today, the problem of accuracy of statistical data in the spheres of animal husbandry, crop production, accounting of grain and product stocks in stabilisation funds, storage facilities, determination of soil moisture and ensuring veterinary safety remains relevant. All these issues should be solved through full digitalisation of the data recording system," Olzhas Bektenov noted.
In this regard, the head of the Government gave a number of instructions to the Ministries of Agriculture and Digital Development.
Together with regional akimats to develop a digital map of agricultural land by the end of 2025;
Together with akimats to complete the development of traceability system in crop production by 1 September 2025;
On the instructions of the Head of State, a National Agricultural Census is planned to be held in 2025. Based on its results, to carry out full digitisation of the results, their analysis and constantly update the database.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
11.02.2025, 15:22 77281
Progress in preparation for spring field work: increasing profitable crop areas and supervision over funds targeted use reviewed in Government
Images | primeminister.kz
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At the Government session chaired by Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov considered issues of preparation for spring field work. Minister of Agriculture Aidarbek Saparov, Minister of Energy Almassadam Satkaliyev, as well as akims of a number of regions reported on the current situation, primeminister.kz reports.
In 2025, it is planned to sow crops on an area of 23.8 million hectares, which is 518 thousand hectares more than in 2024. The sown area of grain and leguminous crops will be about 16.6 million hectares (16.7 million hectares in 2024). The area of oilseed crops will increase by 365 thousand hectares, reaching 3.3 million hectares, including an increase in sunflower crops by 50.6 thousand hectares to 1.3 million hectares. It is also planned to increase potato crops by 14.9 thousand hectares, bringing the area to 136.8 thousand hectares, and buckwheat crops will increase by 41.5 thousand hectares to 147 thousand hectares. The area of sugar beet in 2025 will amount to 18.4 thousand hectares. The area of fodder crops will increase by 184 thousand hectares, reaching 3.4 million hectares. Cotton crops will cover 135.2 thousand hectares, and rice - 90.2 thousand hectares.
As for the provision of fuel and lubricants, 401 thousand tonnes of diesel fuel have been allocated for spring field work this year (taking into account the volume of production at the refineries). A schedule of assigning areas to refineries for the shipment of diesel fuel has been approved, and a fixed price of 232 tenge per litre to the destination station has been set.
Taking into account the costs of operators, the final cost of diesel fuel for agricultural producers will be 254 tenge per litre, which is 13-15% lower than the market price, which is 295-300 tenge per litre at gas stations.
Meanwhile, the akim of Turkestan region Nuralhan Kusherov said that in their region have already started field work. Also in Akmola region, according to the Akim of the region Marat Akhmetzhanov, this year it is planned to increase the area of potatoes by 352 hectares, and the total planting of potatoes will be 8.9 thousand hectares, which is 1.1 thousand more than in 2024.
Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov stressed that the Head of State paid special attention to the development of the agricultural sector as one of the flagships of economic growth. In his report, the Head of the Government emphasised the need to expand sown areas under profitable crops, export-oriented and with high market demand.
This year the volume of financing of field work has been increased to 700 billion tenge, and funds for leasing services have increased to 200 billion tenge. More than 400,000 tonnes of discounted diesel fuel for agrarians have already been allocated.
All these measures, Olzhas Bektenov said, are aimed at a successful sowing campaign.
The state has taken all the necessary measures to carry out sowing operations. It is important to ensure effective and organised implementation of these measures. The Ministry of Agriculture should direct preferential lending only to support efficient and conscientious farmers," Prime Minister pointed out.
He stressed that akimats should constantly monitor the targeted use of allocated funds.
In addition, according to him, there is a need to provide agrarians with quality seeds, and the emphasis was placed on stimulating domestic producers. He also pointed out the importance of strict compliance with agricultural technologies, timely application of fertilisers and the use of plant protection products.
The plan of fertiliser application in Kazakhstan is only 59% of the scientifically justified norm, and the technical readiness of agricultural machinery is 75%. Olzhas Bektenov pointed out that by the beginning of mass sowing this indicator should be brought to 100%.
During the Government session, the head of the Government gave a number of instructions to ministries and akimats:
- For effective state support the Ministry of Agriculture together with the Holding Baiterek should take measures to optimise and simplify the procedures for lending and subsidies.
- The Ministries of Energy, Agriculture and regional akimats should ensure control over the supply of cheaper fuel in the established volumes. Akimats should provide complete data on regional operators within a week. I instruct to apply the strictest measures against companies and individuals who allow misuse of distributed fuel.
- The Ministry of Water Resources together with the Ministry of Agriculture and akimats should take measures for uninterrupted supply of irrigation water to farmers. Akimats should take measures on snow retention and moisture accumulation.
Prime Minister also stressed that the issues of timely conduct of spring field work are under special control.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
10.02.2025, 13:34 77066
Olzhas Bektenov holds meeting of Samruk-Kazyna Board of Directors
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Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov held a meeting of the Board of Directors of National Welfare Fund Samruk-Kazyna JSC. The results of the Fund's work for 2024 and issues of its further development were considered, taking into account the tasks set by President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev during the extended Government session, primeminister.kz reports.
Nurlan Zhakupov, Chairman of the Management Board of National Welfare Fund Samruk-Kazyna JSC, reported on the implementation of investment projects.
In order to ensure uninterrupted power supply, power unit №1 of Ekibastuz GRES-1 was restored with capacity increase up to 4000 MW. As part of the work to improve the environment, a project to create gas infrastructure for Almaty CHPP-2 and CHPP-3 was implemented. A fifth reinjection compressor was introduced to improve the efficiency of the Karachaganak field. In the transport and logistics direction, a cargo terminal was built in Xi'an, which made it possible to reduce cargo delivery times and increase the attractiveness of Kazakhstani routes. In addition, more than 250 kilometres of gas pipeline and 500 kilometres of railway tracks were laid, and train traffic was launched on 132 kilometres of the Dostyk-Moyinty second track. Also during the reporting period, projects unique for Kazakhstan were initiated: construction of a hydro accumulation station and the first digital substation of the city of Astana.
In total, the list currently includes 46 investment projects in the oil and gas, petrochemical, energy, transport and logistics and other sectors totalling 33.3 trillion tenge.
This year it is planned to complete works on gas supply to 66 settlements of Zhetisu region due to commissioning of the Taldykorgan-Usharal gas trunkline. The problem of water deficit in Zhanaozen city and Mangystau region is planned to be solved by launching a seawater desalination plant with a capacity of 50 thousand m3/day in Kenderli. Increasing the capacity of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR) and the Dostyk-Moyinty section of the railway line will give a serious impetus to the development of transit. To meet the needs of the domestic market, hydrotreating of diesel fuel will be installed at PNHZ and bitumen production will be expanded at CASPI BITUM. Special attention was paid to the progress of construction of the second section of the main gas pipeline ‘Beineu-Bozoi-Shymkent’, which will increase the throughput capacity to 15 billion m3 of gas per year, including the discussion of co-investment instruments.
The projected share of local content in the projects varies by sector. For example, for projects in the transport and logistics sector this indicator is 85%, for energy projects - 60%, for other projects - 80%.
Also in 2024, additional measures were envisaged to support domestic commodity producers. Due to this, contracts for 1.1 trillion tenge were concluded with OTP, the growth compared to 2023 was 76%. Offtake contracts for 191 billion tenge were concluded, which is 10 times more than in 2023. In addition, the procurement system of the Fund for the first time was recognised as meeting the advanced standards of the EBRD, ADB and OECD.
The Prime Minister noted the need to strengthen the work on attracting private investment in the implementation of projects important for the country.
As Head of State stressed, the priority of our work should be large infrastructure and industrial projects, development of transport and logistics, as well as digitalisation and artificial intelligence. The government will control the status of implementation of projects important for the country. It is necessary to actively involve co-investors, gradually reducing the share of the state in the economy," Olzhas Bektenov emphasised.
The Head of the Government also focused on the need to optimise processes and strict control over compliance with the deadlines for the implementation of projects to prevent delays and unjustified increase in cost.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
10.02.2025, 09:36 76861
Olzhas Bektenov acquaints with Koshy master plan and new hospital construction
Images | primeminister.kz
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Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov got acquainted with the master plan of development of the city of Kosshy in Akmola region and checked the work on creation of social infrastructure being carried out in the region. Akim of Akmola region Marat Akhmetzhanov informed the Prime Minister about the socio-economic development of the region, primeminister.kz reports.
At the moment about 59 thousand people officially live in the city, while according to estimates the actual number of residents is more than 100 thousand people. The engineering networks, designed for 30 thousand inhabitants, are under enormous load. According to forecasts, the population is expected to grow to 150 thousand by 2038.
The new general plan provides for the expansion of the territory, updated functional zoning, as well as modernisation of engineering and transport infrastructure. Akim Kossha Azamat Kapyshev reported to the head of the Government on the planned measures to expand the housing stock of the city, opening of new social and infrastructure facilities, development of recreational areas, etc.
More than 360 hectares are allocated for the construction of new apartment blocks, for individual housing construction - more than 900 hectares. It is also planned to build 31 kindergartens by 2038,16 general education schools, a regional hospital and 7 polyclinics.
In order to develop the communal infrastructure and create additional capacity, it is planned to build a new boiler house, electric substation and power lines, water supply and sewage treatment facilities, etc. The construction of a new boiler house, water supply and sewage treatment facilities is planned. In 2024, works on gasification of the city from the Sary-Arka main gas pipeline will be started with completion in 2026. In addition, sites of production and communal enterprises will be built. To develop industry and create new jobs, an industrial zone with a total area of 264 hectares is planned to be opened in the north-western part of the city. The construction of a new road to the capital is planned.
In addition, it is planned to improve parks and pedestrian boulevards, open an amusement and recreation park with children's play and sports facilities. The total area allocated for green spaces will be 132.5 hectares. Territories are provided for administrative buildings, central stadium, ice palace, sports and fitness complexes, culture houses, new marriage palace, schoolchildren's palace, theatre, children's and youth sports school.
Special attention was paid to the solution of problematic issues.
In particular, Prime Minister got acquainted with the construction of a new fire station. After 4 years only 60% of works have been completed. The contracting organisation explains the lack of financing.
Under the contract almost 1.2 billion tenge has been allocated for the construction of the facility with modern equipment. Olzhas Bektenov stressed that no additional funds would be provided, only within the limits of the amount provided in the design and construction plans. Prime Minister demanded from the contractor to complete the work in the near future, otherwise the contract will be terminated.
He also reported on the solution of the long-standing problem of 537 shareholders, including the Lilac Garden housing estate. The new contractor promises to give the keys to 106 citizens by the City Day, 209 more will be able to move into the long-awaited housing under the programme of property buyout for socially vulnerable categories of citizens. In turn, Minister of Industry and Construction Kanat Sharlapayev reported on the ongoing work to improve the relevant legislation.
During the working tour Olzhas Bektenov checked the work carried out in the region to improve the quality of medical services provided to citizens on the example of the construction of a multi-profile hospital in Kosshi.
The medical institution with a hospital for 350 beds and a polyclinic for 1,000 visits per shift will serve the population of the city and seven metropolitan districts of Akmola region. Today, medical care is provided to the residents of Koshy in state and private polyclinics for a total of 250 visits per shift. At the same time, the number of the attached population has grown from 24 thousand to 42 thousand people over the last 2 years. The construction of a multi-profile hospital will solve the issue of shortage of available capacities. There will be departments of surgery, traumatology, cardiac surgery, neurosurgery, oncology, chemotherapy and others. In addition, the construction of two apartment blocks for medical staff and a boarding house for accommodation of non-resident patients is envisaged on the territory.
The facility is being built at the expense of private investments of Viamedis in the amount of more than 28 billion tenge. More than 9 billion tenge is planned to be spent on equipping the hospital with modern medical equipment of the German company Siemens. General Director of Viamedis LLP Aset Akhmetov informed the Prime Minister that construction and installation works are ahead of schedule. About 200 people are involved in them, construction materials are purchased mainly from domestic producers. The polyclinic is planned to be opened by the end of the current year, and the hospital - in 2026. The launch of the new medical centre will create 956 jobs.
Recall, that the Head of State at an extended Government session instructed to pay attention to all issues affecting the quality of life of citizens. The Government is working systematically to modernise social and engineering infrastructure.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
06.02.2025, 18:20 158211
Irakli Kobakhidze invites Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to visit Georgia
Images | Akorda
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Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has met today Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Kobakhidze, Kazinform News Agency reports citing the press service of Akorda.
Welcoming Irakli Kobakhidze, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev congratulated him on his reappointment as the prime minister of the country and wished him success in his responsible activity for the benefit of prosperity of Georgian people.
The President pointed out dynamic progress of Georgia in recent years emphasizing significant results of ongoing reforms and impressive growth of economy by 9.4%.
The President highly appreciated comprehensive development of the Kazakh-Georgian relations. According to him, Georgia has been a reliable partner of Kazakhstan in the Caucasia, with which Kazakhstan enjoys strong ties of friendship and close historical ties.
Kazakhstan and Georgia effectively interact at different levels, including cooperation between parliaments, governments and government agencies," Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said.
In turn, Irakli Kobakhidze thanked the Kazakh President for a warm welcome and emphasized that Kazakhstan became one of the first countries he visited after his assumption of office.
He said that Georgia targets on fruitful development of multifaceted relations with Kazakhstan.
Strengthening the political and economic cooperation is of great importance for us. We are ready to actively support Kazakhstan’s interests in various formats, including multilateral platforms," the Georgian Prime Minister said.
Irakli Kobakhidze invited Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to pay a visit to Georgia.
The sides discussed the issues of boosting cargo transportation along the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route and modernizing transit infrastructure of the corridor.
The meeting also focused on the prospects for deepening the bilateral interaction on a wide range of issues, including trade, energy, investment, tourism, AI, digitalization, as well as pressing issues of international agenda and regional security.
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