21.01.2025, 17:26 231121

Taza Kazakstan action: Amendments made to the Standard Rules for improvement of cities and settlements

Minister of Industry and Construction Kanat Sharlapayev reported at the Government session that within the framework of the republican environmental action Taza Kazakstan amendments were made to the Model Rules of improvement of territories of cities and settlements, primeminister.kz reports.

He noted that within this document priorities for pedestrians, disabled people, bicycle transport, requirements for the territory for walking pets and cleaning after them, installation and maintenance of bio-toilets, maintenance of roads, external appearance of buildings and structures are defined.

To strengthen the measures taken on the basis of the Model Rules, regional rules of territory improvement have been approved, which are also expanded taking into account the specifics of each region," Kanat Sharlapayev explained.

In addition, as part of the improvement of regional policy, a methodological document "Standard of integrated urban development" has been developed. The standard serves as a guide for the introduction of high-quality and affordable residential and mixed-use development, as well as for the creation of attractive and comfortable public spaces. The document will serve as a guide in the development of detailed planning projects for the development and construction of urban areas.

Kanat Sharlapayev also reported on measures to reduce the negative environmental impact of industrial enterprises. The Minister said that in accordance with the Environmental Code, 17 enterprises in the sectors supervised by the department should implement the best available technologies, which will reduce the impact on the environment and improve working conditions for employees of the enterprises.

As of today, 5 of them have approved and started phased implementation of the programmes. Also for the current year it is planned to adopt three more programmes by enterprises of metallurgical industry. In addition, there is an active participation of industrial enterprises in improving the environmental situation in the regions, including the reduction of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere," Kanat Sharlapayev said.

It was noted that the enterprises annually participate in activities aimed at landscaping of urban and district territories, as well as landscaping of settlements.

Thus, Ulba Metallurgical Plant for the last 5 years allocated 2.7 billion tenge to reduce the negative impact on the environment.

Last year Qarmet JSC developed a long-term programme worth $3.5 billion, which also includes modernisation and reconstruction of the main technological and environmental protection equipment.

Other large industrial enterprises also carry out annual activities to strengthen measures to comply with mandatory environmental protection criteria.Enterprises annually participate in activities aimed at greening city and district territories, as well as at improving settlements, demonstrating a growing awareness of the importance of their environmental responsibility.

For example, as part of the Tugan Qala project, ERG implemented 97 social projects, including children's and sports grounds, monuments, murals, boat stations and climbing walls with a total investment of over 690 million tenge. Also last year, about 2 million green plants were planted.

Solidcore Resources launched a pilot forest planting project of 500 hectares in the Kostanay region with the prospect of increasing it to 1,500 hectares. It is expected that the project will lead to the creation of a new forest area. Similar projects are planned in Pavlodar and Abai regions. At the first stage, total investments will amount to $5.3 million.

Last year, as part of the Taza Kazakstan campaign. Qarmet planted more than 10 thousand saplings. In general, since 2022, the company has initiated the planting of more than 1 million trees. Another of the company's significant contributions to improving the environment was the revival of tram service in Temirtau.

Karcement also attended the greening of the village of Aktau (Karaganda region), planting 150 seedlings.

As part of the social project, Kazzinc plans to implement activities worth 1.5 billion tenge aimed at landscaping, equipping schools, hospitals, construction of children's and sports grounds.

The Ministry will continue to work within the supervised areas to implement the policy of reducing the impact of industrial enterprises on the environment by searching for and implementing the best technologies," Kanat Sharlapayev concluded.


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