30.11.2023, 07:40 71226

Kazakh Foreign Minister Met with President of Serbia

Kazakh Foreign Minister Met with President of Serbia
Images | Kazakh MFA
Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Murat Nurtleu during his official visit to Belgrade was received by the President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić, press service of the Kazakh MFA reports.

During the bilateral meeting, Serbian President Vučić noted with satisfaction the high level of bilateral cooperation, the development of a sustainable political dialogue at the highest and high levels, as well as effective interaction both in the bilateral format and within international structures.

Kazakh Foreign Minister Nurtleu conveyed to the President of Serbia the best wishes and warm greetings from the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and announced the invitation of the Head of State to visit Astana next year.

Kazakh diplomat informed the interlocutor about the negotiations with his Serbian counterpart, during which agreements on the activation of comprehensive ties were reached. ‘'Astana and Belgrade have every reason to be proud of trusting relations based on common interests’’, Nurtleu said.

The interlocutors stressed the prospects for cooperation in the military-technical field, agriculture, transport and logistics, tourism, education and culture.

During the meeting, the parties also exchanged views on topical issues of global and regional security.

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