19.04.2024, 20:02 34466

Leadership of the Capital of Pakistan Intends to Develop Cooperation with Astana

Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Pakistan, Yerzhan Kistafin held a meeting with Chairman (Akim) Anwar ul-Haq of the Capital Development Authority, press service of the Kazakh MFA reports.

They discussed about establishing cooperation between Astana and Islamabad, taking into account various sectors including economic collaboration, urban development, infrastructure, landscaping, cultural exchanges, and tourism.

While speaking about the current Kazakh-Pakistani agenda, Ambassador Kistafin particularly emphasized the importance of expanding ties at level of regional and local authorities. He also noted the significant potential for strengthening the dialogue between the authorities of both Capitals, Astana and Islamabad.

In response, Chairman Anwar ul-Haq expressed keen interest in advancing cooperation with Astana, highlighting trade, economics, culture, and humanitarian efforts at priority. As a preliminary step, he proposed organising online negotiations to identify potential areas for joint projects.

Chairman Anwar ul-Haq also showed interest in social development model of Kazakhstan, particularly its achievements in promoting interethnic and interfaith dialogue.

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