25.03.2024, 18:26 100786

Cyprus set to open its embassy in Kazakhstan

As earlier reported, Kazakh Foreign Minister Mirat Nurtleu met with Foreign Minister of Cyprus Constantinos Kombos to debate the most promising directions of bilateral cooperation, particularly in areas such as agriculture, tourism, transportation and logistics, Kazinform News Agency cites the Akorda press service.

Kazakh Foreign Minister Murat Nurtleu said Cyprus suggested opening its embassy in Kazakhstan and affirmed the country’s readiness to provide all necessary support.

We highly appreciate the initiative to open the Embassy of Cyprus in Astana. The Government is ready to support opening the diplomatic mission. Exchange of visits of officials of the two countries will bring relations between Kazakhstan and Cyprus to a new level, Nurtleu said.

Notably, in 2023 the countries held the first political consultations of Foreign Ministers.

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