01.02.2024, 17:30 94866

Heads of government of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan discuss current issues of bilateral co-op

Heads of government of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan discuss current issues of bilateral co-op
Images | Kabar
Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan Akylbek Zhaparov, as part of a working visit to Almaty (Kazakhstan), met with Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov, Kabar reports.

The head of the Cabinet of Ministers noted that the current relations between Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan confirm the high level of political dialogue.

The volume of mutual trade and investment is growing every year, and business, scientific and cultural ties are intensifying. Within the framework of the intergovernmental council, common strategic goals, conceptual approaches and directions for long-term and stable development of Kyrgyz-Kazakh cooperation are discussed. Active interaction between our countries is carried out at multilateral platforms," he said.

Akylbek Zhaparov emphasized the interest of the Kyrgyz side in further deepening allied relations with Kazakhstan, based on mutual trust and understanding.

In turn, the prime minister of Kazakhstan noted that Kyrgyzstan is a strategic partner of Kazakhstan.

I consider it important to note the progressive development of trade and economic interaction between our countries.

In just 11 months of last year, mutual trade grew by 12% and reached $1.3 billion. Governments continue to work on the task set earlier by heads of state to increase trade turnover up to $2 billion. We are ready to further support the Kazakh-Kyrgyz strategic partnership in all areas," he said.

The sides discussed the progress in implementing previously reached agreements between the two countries and other pressing issues of bilateral cooperation, including in the development of trade and economic cooperation and in the field of transport.

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