18.04.2024, 18:23 125371

Olzhas Bektenov discusses water resources management issues with Heads of Diplomatic Missions of European Union countries

Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Olzhas Bektenov held the 14th meeting of the dialogue platform "Kazakhstan - European Union". The meeting was attended by heads of diplomatic missions of member states of the European Union, as well as top managers of a number of European companies, primeminister.kz reports.

On the agenda considered issues of trade and economic and investment cooperation, outlined the prospects for joint work in the field of water management and agricultural development.

Head of the Government of Kazakhstan noted the importance and necessity of expanding partnership with the EU countries for the development of sustainable water infrastructure against the background of the ongoing difficult flood situation in the country.

The scale and consequences of the natural disaster require from us radically new approaches for the proper use of resources and avoidance of similar incidents in the future. In this matter we are particularly interested in the best practices and experience of European countries and companies. It is important to synchronise the efforts of the Government of Kazakhstan with the assistance programmes of the European Union," Olzhas Bektenov said.

Today the Government of Kazakhstan has adopted the Concept of water resources management system development. As a result of its implementation will be reduced unproductive losses in water transportation, improved monitoring system of irrigated lands, as well as modernised hydraulic structures to reduce the threat of emergencies.

In turn, Ambassador of the European Union Delegation Kestutis Jankauskas confirmed the priority of this direction. Thus, cooperation in the field of agriculture and water management will be a key issue on the bilateral agenda this year.

The water issue is in the priority of our co-operation with Central Asia. Like other natural resources, water must have its price in order to be used efficiently. This will stimulate the introduction of more efficient technologies, and many European companies are ready to work in this direction," Kestutis Jankauskas said and confirmed the readiness to ensure the transfer of knowledge and technologies in the field of sustainable management of water basins and rivers.

In addition, the participants of the meeting noted the fruitful co-operation within the framework of the joint agri-food mission, which aims to promote European products in the market of Kazakhstan and increase the range of Kazakh products in the EU markets.

During the meeting, ambassadors of European countries and representatives of foreign companies shared their experience in the introduction of water-saving technologies and the development of agro-industrial complex. Austrian Ambassador Willy Kempel presented an innovative irrigation technology, as well as an innovative solution in the field of rain-fed agriculture, which allows to obtain a higher yield with a significant reduction in water consumption.

Dr. Olga Hunger, Head of the German-Kazakh agrarian-political dialogue, noted that water conservation is a fundamental direction for both the agricultural sector in Germany and Kazakhstan. In this regard, it is promising to transfer knowledge and innovations in the field of introduction of artificial intelligence in irrigation technology, application of new treatment methods to preserve fertility and moisture in the soil.

The meeting also considered the experience of Finland in monitoring surface and groundwater quality using autonomous online stations powered by solar energy. Prospects for launching pilot installations in Kazakhstan were noted. The digital platform will make it possible to control risks associated with dams and ensure the sustainability of water infrastructure.

In addition, the meeting participants discussed the experience of Sweden in the introduction of innovative technologies in wastewater treatment, Hungary in terms of transition to advanced agricultural technologies, including in seed production.

At the end of the Government session, the Head of the Government of Kazakhstan Olzhas Bektenov emphasised that water issues directly affect the efficiency of agricultural development. Therefore, the interaction of Kazakhstan with the EU countries should be conducted intensively and in parallel in both planes.

The Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has set a task for the Government - to develop the agro-industrial complex and ensure rational use of water resources. Agriculture and food industry are among the most important sectors of our economy. We have a huge potential for the production of high-quality and organic agricultural products and foodstuffs. We are interested in increasing food exports to the EU market. Taking into account the advanced agrarian technologies of European companies, we invite you to create joint projects for the production and processing of agricultural products. For our part, we are ready to make every effort to create a favourable environment for doing business," Olzhas Bektenov said.

For reference: Trade turnover between Kazakhstan and the countries of the European Union is $42 billion. Since 2005, the total volume of European investments has exceeded $180 billion. Last year the EU countries invested almost $10.5 billion in the economy of Kazakhstan. The EU share in foreign trade is about 30%. About 6,000 joint ventures operate in Kazakhstan.

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